As soon as I looked inside, I quickly walked out and slammed the door behind. I wish I could unsee what I just saw, but the image of my brother and my best friend fucking is probably never going to leave my mind.

I sit on the couch waiting for them to come out.

I hear the door open, and Quinn comes out with a robe on. "Can we pretend that never happened?" She says walking over to me.

I raise my eyebrows. "Trust me, I wish I could." I chuckle.

I stand up and follow Quinn to the kitchen as I leave Rosie in the stroller as she takes a nap.

I sit down at the counter as Quinn makes coffee.

"You won't believe what happened to me last night." I tell Q.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Danny's voice behind me says.

I turn me head as he gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"Well, so Harry and I went to a party. First of all, I fucking met Ed Sheeran."

"Oh my god, lucky ass bitch!" Quinn says with her mouth wide open.

I laugh. "I know. I was so shocked."

"Honey, you're practically married to Harry Styles. Nothing should come as a shock to you anymore." Quinn comments.

"So that's what happened?" Danny said, wanting to hear more.

I laugh to myself remembering the events of last night. "Well after the party, we went to his car, and like we were, you know," I said not wanting to say 'fucking' in front of my brother. "Then a police officer caught us."

Quinn started laughing. "Holy shit, really?''

"Funny, but did not want to hear that you two were having sex." Danny bluntly says.

"Oh shut up. I literally saw you two going at it like 10 minutes ago."

"But yeah it was really funny." I respond to Quinn.

"Where is he right now?'' She asks.

"Watching a soccer game with Louis."

"That's weird." Danny says in a hushed voice, but I heard him.

"What's weird?" I question.

"The soccer season doesn't start for another 2 months.''

I raise my eyebrows. "So that bitch is lying to me?"

He shrugs.

I rub my forehead. "A couple days ago Kendall came to me and told me that he was cheating on her the whole time."

Quinn's eyes widened. "Does he know that you know this?"

I shook my head. "I was about to ask him about it, but something came up."

"Did Kendall tell you who she is?" Q asked.

"Yeah. This girl named Camille Rowe or something."

The Accident. [h.s] completedWhere stories live. Discover now