And you are?

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Another slow and peaceful day in the Cotswolds, as the filming was done for series 7 the cast members got to relax and not see another camera till next year. They didn't find them for alien like, but what they didn't find alien like was the outside world beyond the Cotswolds.

"No more of them for a year, good riddance."

"Oh I don't think they're that bad Sir." Goodfellow said.

"That's because you don't get shouted at by them." Inspector Mallory said.

"Only because I don't screw up." Goodfellow quietly said.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing sir."

Inspector Mallory walked into his office, and closed the door behind him. 

A few minutes
"Good afternoon Sir, long time no see."

Inspector Mallory could hear his sergeant say.

"Inspector Sullivan, please." Replied a voice.

It immediately clicked, with Inspector Mallory as he remembered that whole event thing that I took him to. The present inspector went up to see the past one.

"Inspector Sullivan?" He said.

"Yes, oh and you must be the new one." Inspector Sullivan.

"Well I've been here for 3 series now, and I'm on for another series." Mallory bragged in a way.

"Congratulations to you, I moved onto another acting part."

Oh yes, because inspector Sullivan wasn't really a person he was just a character, in fact his real name was Tom Chambers. Although maybe he wanted to be called Sullivan since he was in the Cotswolds.

"I've called for Valentine to be here if you don't mind." Sullivan said.

"Who?" Mallory asked.

"Valentine, the one before me."

"Oh yes I remember you talking about him." Goodfellow remembered.

Sullivan went to take a look around the station, as it was a completely different building from what he and Valentine had. Inspector Mallory went back in his office, to be honest he wasn't in the mood for meeting the past inspectors. He already met one so why would he need to see him again and the other one.

"Messy place." Sullivan said.

"I'm sure the other offices were messing too." Mallory muttered under his breath.

"I've seen your acting, but I'll talk more about that when Valentine gets here. You see he's from London."

As if on cue, Valentine walked into the station and to the front desk.

"Valentine, how nice to see you again." Sullivan greeted.

"Likewise." He replied.

Valentine also came into the office and took a seat. Mallory sat in his seat with the other two opposite him.

"Well one thing we can all agree on is, Father Brown is annoying but in the end he isn't that bad to work with." Sullivan started.

Valentine nodded, Mallory disagreed. Yes he had worked with him a few times but he still hated him.

"I prefer to call him Padre." Mallory said.

"I noticed that funny nickname."

"Oh I haven't been watching the show, but I'll start it when I get back." Valentine admitted. "Is it me or when you come here from the real timeline it's feels like you've gone back in time?"

"You live in the 21st century now?" Mallory asked.

"Better than here."

Mallory shook his head, the 21st century was to stressful for him.

"So what's the job like now? Make yourself look like an fool even more?" Sullivan asked. "When I did it there was none of this comedy in it, it was serious business solving the murders not like running into a tree." *spoilers*

"Running into a tree?" Valentine questioned.

"Really Valentine you should catch up"

"That was the one with Ironside, he was harsh." Mallory complained.

"Agreed." Sullivan said.

The three inspector's talked more about what each other if them had done, like what embarrassing things had happened or worse. They soon moved on to the other cast members, all agreeing that Father Brown was annoying, Sid was sometimes a pain, Lady Felicia was attractive and Hercule Flambeau being impossible to arrest, but it came to Bunty.

"Miss Windermere can be annoying too, almost running me over as well as other events." Mallory moaned.

"No way would I work with here." Sullivan said his opinion.

Again Valentine said he had to catch up.

They all went back into deep conversation, until it was time to go as it was getting late and they had long journeys. Valentine and Sullivan said there goodbyes and left the station to go back to wherever it was they lived. Mallory was glad that they had gone, but again he didn't actually mind meeting them. As they all got to know each other a bit better.

Requested by 1Bluenight1 hope you enjoyed it.

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