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Requested by NinjaCatWarrior
Remember if you would like to say something, don't be afraid to ask.

Sid was bored, he hated being bored, he especially hated being bored when he was inside. Why was he inside? Sid was hiding from Father Brown who had a huge list of chores, and Sidney was not up for it.

Minutes went by, which felt like hours and time wasn't going anyone just sitting in the caravan.

Sid sighed. "I wish something exciting would happen."

He fell on the bed, looking up at the window on the roof of the caravan. That's when things were going to change, just one small little fleck of snow fell onto the window. Then another, then another, then another, till millions began to fall at once.

"Snow!" Shouted Sid getting up, to go outside.

Father Brown and Mrs McCarthy have told Sid, "at the first sight of snow always remember to put on your jacket and scarf." But in this case he didn't, Sid was far to excited.

Happily walking through the snow, as footprints appeared beneath his feet, they soon disappeared into the ground.

"I've been waiting for this day ever since he took over Sullivan." Sid said.

Now what was Sid on about? Who was he talking about? It was about Inspector Mallory, Sid's idea was to throw snowballs at him. Simply no reason at all as it was just for fun. Sidney made it to the station, he made sure he wasn't going to be seen. Before waiting for Mallory to come out.

During that time he began to make snowballs up, and a small fort. Some adults thought throwing snow is for kids, but throwing it at other adults is just as fun.

A few minutes later and someone walked out of the station.

"Oh for-" Sid stopped himself for cursing.

It was the innocent man himself, sergeant Goodfellow who was outside scraping the snow off the car. Sid smiled as he decided to throw one at him to see his reaction. The snowball hit the sergeant, he turned around to see who it was but couldn't see anyone so he just went back to work.

Sid threw another one, and another and another. Goodfellow went to brush the snow of him and walked back inside.

"Sir, someone is throwing snow." Goodfellow told Inspector Mallory.

"Probably just some annoying children." Mallory muttered the word children as he hated them so much.

"But isn't it assault?" Goodfellow asked.

"Look your just being silly, I'll go out there and see what this nonsense is." Mallory snapped.

Inspector Mallory walked outside into the snow, little did he know he was gonna get hit.

"100 points for hitting the worst inspector." Sid noted to himself.

He took aim, then chucked the snowball. Oh it him all right. Sid chucked a few more, triggering Mallory he knew it was worth it.

"Right who is doing this, show yourself!" The inspector shouted.

Sidney had to bite down on his sleeve to stop himself laughing, otherwise he would give up his spot but it was no use.

"Oh boy, that was funny." Sid said, he decided to get up to show himself.

"Sid Carter, I should arrest you for doing that." Inspector Mallory growled.

"Ok but before you arrest me, I have an idea." Sid said walking over to Mallory.

Tossing the snowball in his hand he asked the inspector if he wanted to get Father Brown. Sid knew Mallory couldn't resist such an opportunity, to get back at him ever since he began solving the murders he shouldn't of  have done.

The two of them walked to the presbytery, the snow wasn't falling as much now but there was still a lot snow around. The branches on the trees drooped down a bit, the Pine trees had little icicles growing off the pine needles. Children were outside have fights, or building snowmen, all wrapped up in their jackets, hats and scarves.

They soon got to the presbytery, Sid immediately went to find the perfect spot for hiding and then told Mallory to make up the snowballs.

"1000 points for hitting Father Brown." Sid said.

Inside the presbytery
"I'm beginning to wonder where Sid is, as he hasn't shown up for his chores." Mrs McCarthy said.

"I'll go and see if he is at his caravan." Father Brown suggested.

"But do be careful, there is snow out there and you know what that means." Mrs McCarthy replied.

"Don't you worry Mrs M, I have my trusty umbrella as well as I have God on my side." The Father said reassuringly.

He grabbed his umbrella and hat, took and deep breath before putting his umbrella up and walking outside.

"Father Brown has just left the presbytery." Sid reported.

"Yes I know, I was a kid once." Mallory replied.

Sid went to throw first but didn't get the priest as he use the umbrella as a shield.

"Nuts" Sid muttered. "I'm in for a closer range."

Father Brown stopped just a few metres from the door, maybe Sid was here or maybe it was just some village kids. Sidney threw another but again sadly missed.

That's when the inspector thought. "If Sid throws then the Padre will be distracted."

As soon as Sid was in closer range he decided to try again, but Father Brown was far to quick, but then not quick enough for the Inspector's snowball.

"Aha I got you Padre!" Inspector Mallory shouted.

Whoops he accidentally gave up his spot.

"Inspector," Father Brown asked, his eyebrows raised to what he just found out.

"I-I can explain Padre." He stuttered.

Sidney through another and hit the Father as well.

"Oh sorry Father, it was my idea." Sidney apologised.

"That's quite alright." Father Brown said. "So" he began. "Who's ready for round two?" He asked picking up the snow to form into a ball.

"You're so on." Sid chucked.

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