22. A White Christmas

Start from the beginning

I took a sip of my sake and sat down. She leaned over and pecked me on my lips. "I love you too, Natsu" I smiled at her. She opened up the present and her eyes grew wide. She turned the pages, with each turn a tear dropped out her eyes. "N-Natsu this is beautiful" I wiped her tears and kissed her cheek. "I wanna continue to make memories until the day I die " Lucy hugged me tightly. Everyone began cheering and clapping, showing their appreciation.

After everyone settled Gray grabbed me a pulled me to the side to talk with me privately. "Me being your best friend and all I wanted to do something special for you" He pulled out a key and handed it to me. "What's this?" I questioned. "A key to a hotel" I smirked. "You're a dog" He chuckled. "Hey, I just think its time and plus she's super happy after that little gift you gave her" he said nudging my arm.

I shook my head laughing. "Gray...are you and juvia doing okay?" We both turned our heads looking at Juvia and then at each other that 'look' "we are more than okay" I let out a loud laugh. He took something else out of his pocket and handed it to me "protection is key" gasped dramatically and gave him a hurt look. "Wow, so you don't think-" he stopped me from talking and pushed me towards Lucy. "Hey I'll watch your house for you go out and have fun," he said winking at me. Lucy looked at me confused I grabbed her and her white coat. "Wait- woah...where are we going?" She said stumbling

"It's a surprise" I smirked.

* Time Skip *

We arrived Fairy Tail Suites hotel and it was absolutely gorgeous. The place was bigger than your average size hotel. Gray really outdid himself.

We walked into the room and everything was decorated according to the holiday. The bed was doused in roses while the room's scent was drowning in a winter smell. I grabbed her coat from her and placed it on the coat rack. "Natsu this is all too much I don't deserve" She said in awe. she took off her shoes and ran to the bed jumping on it. I stared at her beautiful body and her gorgeous smile. I wanted her bad.

"Natsu what more could you give me?" I stepped closer to her. She sat up and sat at the edge of the bed where I then sat next to her. "Luce I-" I interrupted my sentence by brushing my lips against hers. Her scent was intoxicating. She gave off a cinnamon smell and I wanted to just gobble her all up.

Her lips were extremely soft like a pillow made out of clouds. I grabbed her cheeks to deepen the kiss. She wrapped her arms are my neck and I pushed her down on her back deepen the interaction between us. I parted my lips from her to catch and breath and proceeded again.

".... I want you luce" I whispered in her ears, nibbling on it. I began traveling my kisses down her neck slowly causing light moans from her. I went lower down to her chest, to her breast, leaving a hickey.

She clenched onto my shoulders wanting more. I stopped kissing her breast and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with lust and shyness. "I'll stop if you want me to" I indeed did not want to stop. She shook her head no. "I'm ready Natsu" she grabbed my face and starting kissing me passionately while unbuttoning my shirt.

Thank you gray.

*Present Day*

The man stood up from his position and started walking away from me. "Did you know 30% of men kill their loved ones when they find out their spouse having an affair?" I turned to face him, my eyes were puffy and bloodshot red from the crying I've been doing.

"How could she cheat after everything I've done for her. I gave everything to her even my first..." I paused for a moment. "She...she was my first but...I wasn't hers because she was out fucking other dudes" I punched the ground In hurt and despair. I would have never thought Lucy would stoop to such disgusting, inhuman, and horrible things. "I trusted her..." I said choking on my tears.

The man let out a chuckle. "Are you positive she cheated?" I was getting really tired of this man. Who the hell was he? I stood up and ran to him grabbing him by his shirt. He kept the same stupid smile on his face. " Who the hell else name is Lucy Heartfilia with blonde hair and brown eyes in that damn video, you sick pervert!" I let go of him and sat on the ground. "Fascinating," he said looking at me amusingly.

He started walking slow circles around me. "In that little scandalous video, where she's making love to another man" everything in my power is keeping me from killing this man but I didn't want to go to prison for double murder. "...Lucy didn't seem, I don't know, a bit off?" I looked at him confused. "What are you getting at?" He smirked. "What if maybe she was drugged or put under a spell?"

He handed me a tablet and showed me a longer version of the alleged cheating. My eyes grew big I quickly sat up, ready to launch at the dude. "You fucking prick you set me up!!" He let out a roar of laughter.

"What do you mean? I forgot I had this version of the video" he said shrugging his shoulders. My heart sank to my stomach someone please come and kill me please I am begging. I just murdered the love of my life for nothing. "...Kill...me" I said through tears. A bunch of sirens surrounded my ears. Tons of police officers yelling at the top of there lungs. Red and blue all around my vision.

I wanted to die. They handcuffed me and threw me at the back of the squad car where they took me to prison. I caught a glimpse of the guy; he smiled at me sinisterly. I'm a complete idiot, he was the dude in the video. I banged my head on the glass in front of me repeatedly until we got to the prison.

The prison was dark filled and filled with sorriness. I felt like I just walked into a depression camp. It was horrific. Everyone looked terrible and I was going to be here for a long time. I was going to die here. They put me in a holding cell and I sat down in the corner wanting to end it all. They only thing they had was a chair, a bed which was broken up, and a closet. There's absolutely nothing in here I can kill myself with. I sighed and slouched on the ground. I need to find my way out of here

"Hey you" I looked up and it was a inmate in front my cell calling me. I noticed he had a rope maybe I can use that. "Hey, big buddy let me get that rope" he looked at me weirdly "for what?" I looked around my holding cell and then proceeded to talk.

"I wanna uh, try and escape I have a plan. I'll let you out once I escape" he was kinda skeptical of me but he nodded his head and tossed me the rope and I grabbed it. I took a deep breath and thought about everyone in my life right now and apologized for my actions. I love you Happy. I tied the rope on top of a pipe. "Pink haired freak what are you planning?" I ignored him and continued. I grabbed the chair and placed it under the rope. I tied the other end of the rope....placing it around my neck. I can hear the murmurs of the other inmates begging me not to do it but ignored them. All the happiness I once had was gone and there was no point in living anymore. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes,

...and jumped.

I love you guys ❤️ This was a dark topic and I know I'll get hate for this 😭 but the next story will be better #MatureAudienceOnly

A/N: excuse any mistakes I miss; I tend to miss, spelling errors, grammar errors, and story plot errors when I am revising.

* I post every day except Sundays 💓 *

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