Chapter 5:

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It had been two days since the major blow up at the hall between Matt and I. After I was left standing there, Steve walked up to me, grabbed my hand and got us out of the venue. I wasn't particularly embarrassed of what just happened because trust me, my high school years were worse. But not for Steve. He was freaking out the entire time we were in the car asking me what did I do, why would Matt raise his voice like that and let everyone know our argument if I wasn't doing anything, etc etc. But of course I didn't tell him yet about my plan. I would totally be sent straight to mental institution again if Steve were to hear this craziness.

I went back to work today. Of course, Steve was practically running the company for me but I came to work today for one thing, and that was to get any information I could get from Matt Watson. I opened the door leading to my office.

"Welcome back, Ms. Gracie. I heard from Steve that you were coming today. How are you feeling?" Livvy, my lovely secretary, greeted me. I like this woman. She was about 50 years old by now and she had been my dad's loyal secretary for as long as I could remember. When I overtook this company, Livvy welcomed me with open arms. Well I technically grew up in the company too. In my childhood years, Dad would bring me to work saying I needed to be exposed to all this as early as possible since these would all be mine in the future. I was left most of the time with Livvy. Aside from Steve, Livvy knew what I went through for the past 2 years.

"Hi, Livvy. I'm good thanks. I lost a few screws loose here and there but I eventually got them all back, I guess." I flashed her a smile.

Livvy softens her face "Oh, honey....."

"But really, I am fine, Livvy. The doctor said I just have to be out in the world again."

"Well I'm glad you're back."

"Thanks, me too. Anyways, uhmmm I was just wondering if you could do me you a favour."

Livvy gave me a smile that said there was never a thing she'd never do for me. "Why, of course dear, anytime. Tell me."

"Uhm, I need any information I could get from Matthew Watson. He went to the same high school with me. I most especially need where I could meet him in person. At his work or whatever."

"Consider it done." That's what you get for having to come from a wealthy family. Money seriously revolves the world around. Without it, you're spineless. A fact.

I gave Livvy my smile, "Thank you. I'll just be in my room. Anything for me to sign?"

"Steve already got everything ready for you for today. He's got all the paper works done yesterday. We're up to date."

"Awesome. I love Steve. What would I do with him." So I went in to my office. It's been a while since I've been here.

I sat down and planned everything I needed once I met up with Matt. Despite the hurtful words he threw at me last night, I was still convinced that he'd be the perfect guy in my plan. I had this great feeling I would eventually get him to agree with me if only he could hear my explanations and what he would get from this marriage. I was really desperate to get married. Fast. Of course I couldn't tell him the real reason why I was doing this. I was already looking like a lunatic in front of him, I didn't want to rub more salt in the wound.

A few hours later, Livvy knocked on the door and handed me the print outs on anything about Matt. I spent my entire morning reading about him. Wow, this man had really had a rough life. His bank account wasn't looking quite good either. The payment for his mother's care was really eating up his pocket. Then there's his father. Even though he said he hated that man all his life, he would still, give him money for a living which I'm pretty sure he knew as well that it all went to the liquor stores' pockets. Despite the MBA degree he had in his hand, he still couldn't find a decent job and still living in an old apartment. I seriously don't get why Matt was being such a stubborn ass when I was pratically throwing myself at him with my money. He would seriously gained a lot in this marriage and I clearly had no problem sharing my fortune with him. I needed to talk to him.

I started packing up when I got interrupted by a knock on the door. Steve stuck his head in. "Hey, it's almost 12. Wanna go grab something for lunch today?"

My face fell. "Uhmmm, I would love to but see, I have an appointment with someone for lunch today."

Steve stepped in the room, "Oh really? Next time then. Who are you meeting with?" See! This is my big problem with Steve. I love the guy for everything he'd done to me and all but he was so nosy! He just loved to stick his nose in people's business. I couldn't use the "for business purposes" excuse because he really did all the job for me.

"Uhm, remember Lily from our high school reunion? She just phoned me now and said she wanted to catch up with me more. So I said we could have lunch together." He was so not buying this.

He was silent for a moment. I had the feeling he was going to call my bluff soon enough. "Okay, we'll have fun then. I'm glad you're going out." He started going to the door. "Well, I'll see you at dinner then?"

Phew! "Okay, I'll see you tonight!" That sounded a little high pitched for me but...... Onto my plan B.


I parked my car in front of Huts Enterprise. Apparently, Stewart & Company is a big client of Huts Enterprise which would give me more advantage. I walked up to the service desk.

"Hi. I am Gracie Stewart. The President and CEO of Stewart & Company. I was just wondering if I could see Mr. Matthew Watson."

The lady at the service desk for a moment stared at me. Probably couldn't believe her own eyes that I was right in front of her. My family's company is well known consulting business company. We were in the news from time to time. It was rare to meet a person who had never heard of my company. And I'm going to use all my resources even my name to get Matt out of his desk if he decided to never to see me ever again.

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