"Hello lovely, thank you for coming to see me." The patient smiled at her.

The smile was genuine, and so was the obvious fatigue behind her emerald green eyes.

The children looked to their father, his eyes focused on the ground, an obvious sadness emanating from his entire being. And then they looked to their mother, who was managing to maintain her positive aura, despite her current condition.

"No problem Mrs Adams. I've had a look at your file, I see that you were under Dr Almudaris' care at Kings. She's an excellent neurologist."

"Oh she was just lovely, very smart woman, right dear?" She looked to her husband standing at the end of the bed, he simply nodded.

The woman in bed seemed completely un-phased, "she mentioned that there'll be a few changes?"

Luna nodded and began to explain the situation to the room, before the father surprised her, "I'm going to take the kids to the park outside, we don't need to listen to all those long difficult words right guys?"

The children immediately perked up, nodding quickly.

"Give your mum a kiss."

They quickly scuttled back to the bed, hopping up so that they can say goodbye to their mother.

From the look on the father's face, he was hoping and praying that this wouldn't be their last goodbye.


After they left the room it became abundantly clear just how exhausted the patient was, Luna sat in the chair by the bed, "I think it's best that we get all the technicalities out of the way now, so that you can rest for a while Mrs Adams."

"Please, call me Grace." She shuffled towards the water jug on the bedside table, her hand struggling to grip the cup.

Luna poured the water instead and handed it to her,

"Thank you my lovely."

Luna smiled before opening the folder again, "Dr Almudaris has diagnosed you with Secondary Progressive MS, your last relapse was eight months ago and you never fully recovered is that correct?"

Grace nodded while looking at her hands.

"I'm sorry Grace." Luna squeezed the woman's arm in reassurance, "you'll be looked after well here."

Grace looked up at the young doctor, a loving smile stretching over her honeyed lips, "I know, thank you dear."

"As I'm sure you know, the old medication will no longer work. So I'm prescribing the only other option for you now." Luna extended out a sheet of paper, "It'll be overwhelming, the side effects are strong, hair loss, mouth sores..."

Luna could see the woman scan the sheet with teary eyes, her hands beginning to shake as she struggled to grip the paper.

"Grace..." Luna took the woman's fragile hands in her own, "it'll be difficult, I wont lie to you. But the only thing we can do now, is make the rest of your life as comfortable as possible."

The woman looked up at the doctor and, sensing the sincerity in her words, nodded slowly. "thank you doctor."

"Please call me Luna." She smiled at the patient before her pager started to beep. She stood to leave,

"Try and get some rest, I'm sure you must be exhausted. And I'm here pretty much all the time," Luna chuckles, earning a wide smile from Grace,

"Please call for me if you need absolutely anything." 


Thoughts on Grace?? 

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