
I smell bacon. The smell of bacon woke me up making me sit up to realize i'm alone in bed. My body felt more loose and relaxed than it has in weeks maybe because I let out everything i've been feeling since I got here, dealing with the memory loss, Mila Shane my feelings. Last night was the result of that. Remembering everything made me shiver as I got out of bed and found Shane t-shirt on the floor, I draped it over my head and onto my body. I follow the smell of the bacon going into the kitchen. Shane stood over the stove making eggs, shirtless. This is a sight I would love to see every morning. I bit my lip creeping up on him snaking my arms around his torso kissing his strong back. "she's awake" "I would've slept longer if I didn't spell bacon" "I don't normally cook but.. you make me try new things" I love this, this happiness i'm feeling off the both of us. The comfortability we felt with each other, everything just flowed it was meant to be like this. We were meant for each other. In the middle of feeding him bacon his phone rings seeing the contact his face fell "I gotta take this i'll be right back" I nodded okay as he kissed my forehead.

Sitting there for about 10 minutes he finally comes back in, but something was off about him. His face was blank his eyes were dilated and his fist is clinched. "Shane what's going on?" "Cassie we need to .. " just before he could finish talking the front door opens. Since we could see from the kitchen who comes through the door I turn in my seat. Standing there frozen as we locked eyes is someone who looks exactly like me but in a males body. When we locked eyes my whole body became numb, then I felt weird. My head started to pound very badly to where i grabbed it standing up "ugh.." I drop to my knees from the pain not knowing what's going on. Everything around me started to spin I felt my body become weaker and weaker, then he touches me. Cane touches me holding me up as my vision was blurred I touched his face. Then it happened...


Cassie memories started to rush through her head but her most treasured one starts to go on in her mind.

"Cane pass me my shoe" "Cassie pass me my belt" "Cane pass me my lipstick." "Cass pass me my cologne." As we were helping each other get read for senior prom. "Cane let me ask you something serious." "Shoot." "Remember when ma lost her memory, then her twin brother came and saved her, soon as he touched her all her memories came back?" "Yeah why?" "Were like them, I feel incomplete without you. I'd be myself always but we were in the womb together, we were raised together and did sports and everything together. Business and illegal things together. We're one in the same, if something is to ever happen to me where I forget who I am. Come for me please.. because as mom said if her brother didn't come for her. She wouldn't even know who her kids were because of her brother being the other half of her memories. You can restore a brain and memories when the other half of them is nowhere near. So promise me." He looks down at her as she finishes his tie. "No matter what Cassie I'll always come for you, until you get a man who can also complete you like that." "we're blood Cane, that'll never change" "Of course. Blacks for life" They pounded their fist twisting it, representing them putting a lock on their bond forever. "Blacks for life"

Cassie starts to come to in the bedroom she's been in for 4 months.

I open my eyes hearing bickering. Two male voices as I place my hand on my head. Everything in my head felt like it just reset, and starting to backup from before I lost my memory mixed in with everything that's happened these past 4 months. I sat up to a white girl beside me with curly hair holding my hand I look at her seeing her face I remembered her name.

"Jamie?" I cleared my throat hearing how nasty my voice sounded. "Cassie,are you okay?" "My head is banging right now, it's like a hard drive loading into a boot in the back computer." "You got your memories back?" "Yeah, I.. I did." I shake my head as the voices I was hearing started to become more clear because they were beside me. Cane and Shane were arguing back and forth about something. As I looked at Shane my heart started to beat, even with regaining all my memories the feelings and the ones we've created has become so strong they synced in with my old ones.

"Guys.." I lowly say knowing they couldn't hear me. "Guys. GUYS! SHUT THE HELL UP" they turn to me walking towards the bed. Cane grabs my face cupping it "Cassie are you.." "I'm back, I guess I still feel a little weird but.. I'm back, you kept your promise." He smiles lightly rubbing my cheek "took a little while but I'm here" we hugged and my heart felt full. Holding my brother again after feeling like I was away from my body this whole time felt amazing. "How's dad? Oh my god How's Yasmine?" "everyone is fine, mom is fine, Cade is fine, Yasmine is moody and pregnant.." "Oh yes forgot you were having a baby. Did you.." "Yes, i proposed" I smiled clapping my hands "what a time to get my memories back wedding time." "before we do that, maybe we should give you and Shane a minute." I look up at him as his eyes were full of regret. Something is off. Jamie and Cane left the room as I sat on the edge of the bed, Shane stood over me rubbing his temples.

"What's going on?" He gets down on his knees grabbing my hands, kissing them, grabs my face kissing my lips. "You know how I feel about you Cassie." I make him look me in the eyes "what's going on?" "Forgive me please." "Shane.." "I have to marry Mila, Cassie i'm sorry." The minute I get my heart back together he breaks it in two with just 5 words. I snatch my hands out of his as my eyes start to sting "wha-wha.. what's are you talking about?" "Cassie i'm sorry but we're not going to work." "Shane, but last night?" "It was a mistake Cassie.. I got carried away." His face was bland, he wouldn't even look at me which infuriated me more. I stood up smacking him across the face. His head cocked to the side as my chest went up and down. I caught the tear before it fell. He looks at me with remorse in his eyes and I look away chuckling. "CANE!" I scream for him, seconds later he opens the door feeling the tense aura in the room. "We're leaving." "I'll meet you in the car" I went to walk by Shane without nomore words to say, he grabs my wrist but real quick I snatched it away.

"YOU PLAYED ME. You played me when I was most vulnerable and for what?! Huh!?" He didn't answer me instead just stood there. "Nothing? You're pathetic." "Cassie-" "STOP saying my name, don't ever say my name again, don't speak about me don't ask about me, just stay the fuck away from me. Forever Shane" I opened the door to Mila standing there. With not one smirk on her face, but she looked uncertain. "You wanted him, you can have him. Congratulations. Have a nice life." I ran out that house faster than I showed up there. I haven't felt pain like this before to where all I wanted to do was break down and cry. I got in the car with Cane and just stared forward "You we're always right about him Cane." "Cass it's okay." "He just won't ever get over what his father did for me, instead he runs from it. But it's cool..just get me out of here. Take me home"

Heartbreak is real, I bring pain to people often but this isn't a pain i'd wish or bring on anybody. I thought he cared about me, I thought he was my ace.. He played me until I fell in love with him and that's sure what I did. Fell so deep in love with a con-artist.

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