1.2 "Maybe You Shouldn't"

Start from the beginning

Dean asked confused "what are you talking about?"

Me "you said she fell from a building. "

He nodded. 

Me "Her body is completely broken. And that demon inside of her is the only thing keeping her together. You exorcise it, the girl's gonna die"

Dean shook his head  "we are not gonna leave her like that"

Me "We have no choice, Dean"

Dean "We're gonna put her out of her misery"

He looked at Sam "Sam, finish it"

Sam looked at Meg and then back at his brother.

Dean "finish it"

Sam looked at Meg and started to read again.

Suddenly her eyeballs turned black. She started to shake. She screamed into the air and black smoke came out of it. It disappeared into the air. 

Meg let her head hang and everything went silent.

She looked up and blood came out of her mouth.

Dean "She's still alive. Call 911. Get some water and blankets"

Dad walked into the kitchen .

Sam and Dean rushed to her and opened the ropes around her wrists.

Meg cracked out "Thank you"

Dean "just take it easy, all right?. Let's take her down"

They picked her up and i could hear bones cracking.

I looked away, grimacing. 

She groaned in pain.

Dean "sorry. sorry, sorry"

They put her on the ground.

I went to walk to her but i heard Dad calling me.

Dad "kiddo!"

I looked at him and he nodded me over again.

Then I walked to him and whispered "i can help her, dad"

Dad shook his head "you are not going to do anything"

I whispered "i can heal her"

Dad shook his head irritated,"no, you can't "

Me "But i can keep her insides together till the ambulance comes to take care of her"

Dad "and how are you gonna explain that to the Sam and Dean?"

I glared at him, not saying anything.

Dad nodded  "that's what i thought"

Suddenly we heard Dean yell "Bobby!"

Dad walked to them with blankets and a glass of water.

He gave Dean the water and put a blanket under her head and covered her with the other blanket.

Dean helped Meg take a sip of the the glass of water.

Sam asked softly "where is the demon we're looking for?"

Meg breathed out weakly "not there. Other ones. Awful ones. "

Dean "where are they keeping our dad?"

Meg cracked out"by the riv-river...Sunrise"

She was getting weaker.

Suddenly she stopped breathing.

I looked at Dad who looked at me.


Dad "you better hurry up and beat it before the paramedics get here."

Dean "what are you gonna tell them?"

Dad asked amused"you think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out. "

Then he handed Sam something "here, take this. you might need it"

Sam nodded  "thanks"

Dean nodded "thanks for everything"

He looked at me and nodded.

I nodded back.

Dean "be careful, all right?"

Dad "you just go find your dad. And when you do, you bring him around, would you? I won't even try to shoot him this time"

They nodded and walked out the front door.

I took a deep breath and turned to dad.

Dad "what?"

Me "they won't make it"

Dad nodded " i know"

Then he walked back into the living room.

I called after him "Maybe i should go after them"

Then I walked to the living room and leaned against the door frame.

Dad looked at me "maybe you shouldn't"

i crossed my arms over my chest  "but-"

Dad "end of discussion. Now help me with the body"

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