Keep Me Company, Too (Kurosaki Ranmaru x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Usually people would ignore that!" the grey haired male shouted.

"Then I must not be human, huh?" you teased with a grin. You found it extremely weird how comfortable talking to this male was. He didn't seem at all threatening... "And besides, old man-"

"I'm not an old man!?" bellowed the male and your eyes widened.


"I am not an old man!" he clarified with another yell and glanced away, clearly annoyed. "I'm only twenty-two."

"Really?" Your mouth dropped in shock. "Then why is your hair grey?"

"It's something called inheritance!?"

Oh... Heat filled your cheeks. How stupid were you not to think of a simple thing like that? Maybe it because you'd never seen anyone with grey hair before. Besides multiple anime characters, of course.

Shaking your head quickly, you looked back up at the male. "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Huh?" Your sudden apology surprised the male greatly.

"Seeing a young man wearing some extremely shady clothing playing with an abandoned cat in some alleyway, just couldn't help but make me want to talk to you," you corrected yourself and you grinned widely at the stranger's aggravated reaction. Well, now that you knew he wasn't much older than you - and unbelievably handsome at his age - what did you have to lose?

"YOU-" he began, fuming with rage.

"You must like cats, huh?" you question, cutting him off. He stopped immediately, his face turning pink.

"Cute," you cooed. "You must not want people figuring out your love for them and that's why you wear a disguise as you look around the neighborhood for cats." You put a hand to your chin in thought. "Wait... that's a bit creepy, actually..."

"That's it, I'm leaving," groaned the male and he turned around to leave.

"Wait!" you called after him.

"What?!" He spun around, scowling angrily.

"I'm (Last Name, First Name)," you introduced. "You?"

"Huh?" he drawled, his scowl fading off his face and replacing itself with confusion. "Why would you just give out your name? You must be stupid."

"Fine, I'll just scream at the top of my lungs and say that an old man wearing shady clothing abused a poor cat and tried to hurt me as well." You deadpanned. "Would that be fine with you?"

His face pales at your threat, but he doesn't flinch. "I'd like to see you try."

Okay. You open up your mouth and take a deep breath. "HELP!! AN OLD MAN IS--"

Suddenly, the male clasped his hand over your mouth to keep you from saying any more and his panicked expression told you that you had succeeded.

"Kurosaki Ranmaru!" he snapped and scurried off without another second to waste.

Grinning, you stared after his fleeting figure.

Kurosaki Ranmaru, huh?


"Ranmaru-kun! Are you home?"

You kept ringing his apartment's doorbell repeatedly, waiting for his response.

"Hello!? Ranmaru-kun-"

"Why are you so loud first thing in the morning? Be quiet!" Ranmaru hissed, swinging open his door with an annoyed expression.

UtaPri One-Shots! [Character x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now