"Who's going to press play to turn the TV on?" You mutter to the male, his eyes glistening as an idea pops into his thoughts. Your boyfriend, to the best of his abilities, unfolds one of his legs from yours and stretches it towards the remote where he jams the heel of his foot onto it, that miraculously manages to turn the television on. The scene makes you burst into laughter. "You're such a dork."

He brings your hand that was intertwined with his up to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of it, and all he could think at the moment is how when he's thirty, fifty, eighty, and for many years to come, or when the day comes where growing white hair becomes a competition; this is the same hand he wants to hold. "As long as I'm your dork."

Taehyung is just a ball of fluff, just giving and giving and giving away love like he was meant to love every single person in the world. But right between the seams, right between the cracks of the deepest crevices of his heart, he was someone who fears the unknown wonders of love just as much as you do. And if he was willing to go through the experience with you just as much as you do with him- then you don't mind this, no, not at all.


You're no fool. Maybe 'fool' is the wrong term, because maybe not anyone would be able to notice the male's slight change in demeanor. Maybe not anyone would notice how his smile isn't as bright as you're used to it being. Maybe not anyone would notice how he tends to mask his pain behind a simple curl of his lips and a simple laugh to go with it.

But then again, he's not this clingy with just anyone.

So when Taehyung pulls you closer with a smile in tow- in public, even- only then do you seem to question his behavior and how he seems to be a bit more touchy than usual. If there was a good way of labeling your boyfriend and one of his many characteristics right now, in this very moment, in this very millisecond- it would be affectionate.

"Taehyung, you're kind of in the way of me getting places right now."

"Good." He mutters in response, burying his face further into your hair in his nearly deathly back hug. You're overly aware of the stares you were getting from nearby students, but you've learned to cope with the attention ever since your boyfriend accidentally gave away your relationship the second you both started dating by openly screaming "I'm dating Y/n" in the cafeteria.

And if that wasn't enough, the way he picked you up and spun you around when you both got full marks on that history project you both did ages ago would probably be enough to let people know that you were, indeed, dating one of the biggest heartthrobs of the school.

But graduation is creeping faster than you're ready for.

And with assignments, tests and projects attacking you all at once, you're forced to face college even with the dread of what's to come in the future weighing you down more than the books in your bag that was way too heavy for comfort.

A chaste kiss to your exposed neck is enough to bring you back into reality, "Y/n, where are you going?"

You attempt to detach yourself from him as you respond, huffing when your attempts prove to be futile, "Library, why?"

"I wanna come." He mutters, rubbing circles on the back of your hand while swaying you back and forth, almost as if to coax you into agreeing.

You sigh, "Taehyung, I was gonna discuss something with tsundere-ssi."

He scrunches his nose, releasing you from his grasp, and you almost find yourself frowning. Almost. "Lee Hana? You're hanging out with her?"

"She's not as bad as she seems, actually." You blink, facing the male as you notice his change in expression. "Why do you want to come so badly?"

mischief || kth [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora