Chapter ten

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It's been a month since Ryan started being Brendon's personal assistant. It's not easy, and they aren't even halfway done with filming. Brendon's been getting annoyed every time he makes a down comment, so he's tried to not talk at all, but Brendon's more annoyed by his depressing quotes more than ever.

"You're always looking at the down side of things, I bet you don't even know what it's like to have fun," Brendon says.

"I doubt my definition of fun is the same as yours," Ryan says, looking at the email and then writing down important parts. 

"What's yours, then?" Brendon asks. Ryan shakes his head. "Come on, tell me," Brendon insists. 

"You really wanna know?"

"Why else would I ask?" He says, and Ryan sighs a bit.

"Hanging out with my grandmother. I moved to Seattle to live near her. We're really close and literally anything I do with her is fun to me," Ryan explains. He finishes writing a phone number and looks back up at Brendon.

"I mean real fun, like waking up with a bruise or two but not from clumsiness," Brendon says.

"I'm not clumsy," Ryan defends myself.

"You got that cut on your wrist last month, how badly could you fuck up to get that kind of cut?" Ryan tenses up, looking down and finishing up what he needs to write. "Come on, I'm gonna show you real fun," Brendon tells him. 

"Hold on, I-" He closes the laptop and grabs the papers Ryan's holding, tossing them to the side. "Okay then," Ryan says. Brendon grabs his hand and leads him out of the room. 

"I'm gonna show you real fun," Brendon insists.

"Where are we going?"

"Where people go to have fun, obviously."

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