Chapter twenty-four

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Ryan's not going to be vulnerable.

He's not gonna let Brendon feel sorry for him, he's not gonna try to make anyone feel sorry for him. Word got around that the only family member he has left died the other day and that he fell through the ice, and now everyone is giving him those sad smiles. Brendon hasn't. It'd be weird if he did at this point. No, instead, he just asks how Ryan's feeling once he's done asking him to do something. He's been softer, though. Soft voice, careful tones, kinder words.

"And make sure you eat, okay?" Brendon instructs, but the way he's saying it is 'if you don't, I'm gonna be upset'. Ryan nods. Sure, whatever. "Ross, I'm serious. You haven't eaten since yesterday, you need food in you."

"I'm fine, Brendon," Ryan says. He looks Ryan in the eyes, and eventually Ryan has to look away. 

"Please. Don't want you dying on me," he says.

"Why not?" Ryan immediately asks without meaning to, then tenses slightly once he realizes the huge lecture he's about to get. Brendon doesn't say anything.

"Be safe, okay?" Brendon asks quietly. Ryan knows what he's talking about: the guy who tried to take advantage of him. Ryan nods a bit. 

No one's around, and Ryan's sitting in the car. Brendon places his hand on the side of Ryan's face, causing him to turn. He stops, and their faces are so close. Ryan's face begins to heat up. Brendon turns his head, then looks at Ryan and kisses him sweetly. Ryan's heart is pounding and then Brendon pulls away and hurriedly leaves, looking down awkwardly. He swallows, because he's not quite used to Brendon's kindness yet.

"Thank you, have a good day," Ryan tells the shopkeeper, who just nods back. There's an old lady outside, trying to carry things to her car. Ryan immediately hurries to her. "Would you like some help?" 

"Oh, that would be lovely, thank you!" She tells him happily. 

"Of course," he says, grabbing most of the groceries and walking to her car with her.

"You look familiar, what's your name?" She asks him.

"Ryan. Ryan Ross," he tells her and her expression lights up.

"Danielle's son! Oh, I used to babysit your mother when she was growing up, and now look at you! Say, what are you doing out here?"

"Filming a movie," he says shyly.

"Oh, good! You deserve to be on the big screen." Ryan forces a small smile.

"Actually, I'm... no one important, just an assistant," he informs her.

"Well make sure you take care, alright?" She asks once they close the car doors. She gets in and Ryan nods.

"Of course."

The drive back is silent. The radio occasionally cuts in and out, snow continues to fall, and nothing seems to be going wrong. Ryan doesn't want to go back to Brendon solely for the fact that he kissed him and is gonna regret it once Ryan's there. He's afraid that if he gets yelled at enough, then he'll start crying.

He parks in the usual space he does, then walks towards the cabin with the items in hand. It's getting darker outside, just past sunset, but surely no one would notice. He'd be lying if he said that he didn't take a walk to try and relax, which turned into an hour and a half of him being lost and being unable to find out where he was. He eventually found his way back to the car, and now he's here. He's late, but he's here. 

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