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jungsoo gets hurt

3:32 pm in the kim household

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3:32 pm in the kim household.

the kim brothers were playing mario karts in their living room when jungkook realised his twin was still not home from school.

it was a wednesday and jungkook had woken up with a blocked nose and body pain, jin assessed his condition and decided to give him the day off. this left jungsoo by herself, and this was a very bad thing.

unlike taehyung and jimin, jungsoo and jungkook did not click. they often fought (more than siblings should) and constantly hurt each other's feelings. despite this, they stuck together in school.

at lunch they would find an empty table and sit there, no words exchanged between the two. jungkook would usually finish off his artwork and jungsoo would read. yes, they disliked each other. but when it concerns family, you have to love them but you don't need to like them. so yes, they did love each other.

jungkook has a reputation, everybody was afraid of him. he was tall, dark and handsome with tan skin and striking features. he had a strong build and could cause damage. everybody knew this. he's had his fair share of fights in which he won all, on three occasions leaving the opponent in a coma. 

jungsoo kept to herself, she didn't have friends. only her brother. people didn't know they were siblings, not because they were trying to hide the fact. simply because they had never gone out of their way to confirm it. because jungsoo stuck with her brother nobody would mess with her. most assumed she was a girlfriend or something.

so when jungsoo saw that her twin was sick she was the slightest bit irked, not at him but simply because he was sick on a school day. "fuck." she muttered as she walked through the double doors, seeing everyone turn to look at her.

some raised their eyebrows, probably wondering where jungkook was. boys whistled at her, and others just stared. putting her head down and increasing her walking speed she attempted to walk through a bunch of populars. but of course, the universe couldn't allow her to even do that.

like every cliche bad boy jungkook had a fan club. a bunch of plastic, popular, barbie bitches that obsessed over his mysterious persona and godly looks, that claimed him. within this fan club was a girl called hyejin, and she didn't seem to like jungsoo very much.

"hey, bitch. stay away from my man you slut." hyejin spat. jungsoo was confused as fuck seeing as the only male she was seen with was jungkook. So, of course, she did the responsible thing and tried to walk around her, but her posse appeared out of nowhere standing in a formation around them.

talk about avengers assemble, she thought.

it all happened too fast. to cut a long story short, hyejin slapped her which made jungsoo angry. jungsoo punched her (breaking her nose) causing hyejins minions to jump her.

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