Time to leave (End)

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Karai walks into her room and brings us with her.

"So guys....uh..."

"Yes?" We ask her.

"The krang are...making deals with my dad and such and"

'Not surprising but still'

"And I want you both to leave New York"

"WHAT!" We scream at her.

"You can't leave us! You can't make us leave! We love you! What would we do without you!?" We fall to our knees and beg. I wrap my arms around her legs so that she falls back onto her bed.

Me and Bash jump up and cuddle her as we plead.

"Guys! Please I don't want this to be harder than it already is"

We stop begging and whimper instead.

"Bu-but-" Tears brim in my eyes as she brushes the trickling ones away.

"Where?" Bash asks.

"In the country, far away" Karai says as I cuddle into her side.

"But it'll be okay because Sebastian will be there and he can protect you"

'I guess fate had helped you choose. Sebastian has always been the best, and now you can finally be his best'

I nod in agreement.

~~Time skip~~

"This house is amazing!" I gush.

"Lets check out the woods!" Sebastian shouts and morphes. He takes off into the forest, dissappearing as he reaches the tree line.

"Woohoo!" I cry out as I run into the woods. I climb a tree and pounce from branch to branch.

I end up tripping and falling but Sebastian catches me.

"My hero" I say when I morph in his arms.

"My love" He says as he kisses me.

'Good choice'


I'm sorry to end this book so suddenly. This was my first fanfic and I didn't expect it to go for so long. Tbh I fell out of intrest with the ninja turtles and apologise that this turned into an OC x Reader.

But, Sebastian ain't that bad!

Signing off here for the last time!

Holly out! ♡

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