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Sebastian's pov~~

I hear the bathroom door open and (Y/n) steps out, she's fixing her top down.

Her wings are in and her tail is swaying.

"You'll have to tuck that in if we are to return home at this time of day" I tell her.

She's wearing jeans with a hole cut out the back.

"No need to ask, Princess, I am here and can be of assistance"

I walk around and go to tuck her tail in, but she gives me a look that says ' thank you, is there any other way?'

I think for a second and pull another hoodie out from my back pack. I pull it over her head so it conseals her ears.

She lets her tail hang loose and tells me that she will put it in when we leave.

"Do you want to say goodbye to everyone?"

"I'll say goodbye to Mikey, Raph and Master Splinter. I don't know about the others but, we'll see"

I nod in agreement. Just as long as we get home, every will be okay.

All this memories and time to think has given me an idea.

What if (Y/n) and away?

To live free and happy?

Should I ask? (Answer)

I really love her. And I could never inagine life if she didn't live me back.

(Y/n) had dissappeared from my  side.


Your Pov~~

"I'll miss you too Mikey"

"I'm still think it's unbelievable that your big kitty again! Where were you?"

"Woah, calm down, that was a big word"

Mikey pulls out of the hug with a pout. You just flash him those purly white K9s and let go aswell.

"Mikey, I'm leaving with Sebastian, to go back to my home, with my family;Karai"

"But, we're your family" Mikey gives me puppy dog eyes.

I match them with kitten eyes.

"Pwease, pwease lemme go?"

He breaths a breath of defeat and says okay.

You smile and give him another hug. A soft paw lands on the hood of your...hoodie.

You look up to see Splinter. You turn around and hug him instantly.

He laughs on impact. He lightly pats your back.

"It is a pleasant sight to see you back to your normal size, young one"

"It is, but now that I'm back, I have to go"

"You will be missed"

I pull back from the hug and see Raphael behind Splinter.

"BEST FRAN!" I run over and tackle him into a hug. He falls back into the couch and laughs.

'Why's everyone so happy, your leaving'

'Might aswell make our last moments our happiest'

~~Time skip~~
(You know, cause I'm lazy)

"Karai, we're home" Sebastian calls out.

"Guys!" Karai shoots towards us at the speed of light and hug us. She brings us in and introduces us to everthings that's happened. Fly guy got fired too.


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