Cooped up

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It had breen about a week and a half since you had joined the turtles. Nothing much has happened besides training and getting pet. You're bored. And want to properly test your wings out in the open free night. You've made countless attempts to get the turtles to take you out on patrol but they all disagree.

Flash back~~~~

You were down on your knees in a begging position.

"Pleeeeease! I have to go!"

Leo- "No it's too-"
Raph-"dangerous we wouldn't-"
Donnie-"want you getting-"
Mikey-"hurt. Your too-"
Leo-"important. I don't think-"
Raph-"you trained enough or-"
Donnie-"are close to being-"
Mikey-"ready, so stop asking"

End flash back~~~~

It was always the same answer.

'I'll show you who isn't ready'

Time skip~~~

"Goodnight (Y/N)" They all called.


When you thought that they were all at least in their beds, you slowly crept out of yours. You glided to the entrance in your kitten form. Taking one glance back you reconsider.

'Should I? Am I ready? A cat with wings looks like a normal bat right? I should be fine. Only for a few hours and I'll be back before they wake up. Yeah. Get out. Fly. Come back. That's the plan!'

You trot down the sewers. Pleasantly happy that your genious mind can help you be yourself.

'Im adorable. Well, at least everyone says so. Except April, but maybe if a human found me I'd be alright'

You turn back into a neko to climb the cold metal ladder out of the sewers. You change back straight away. And gracefully leap around the alleyway. You felt the cool New York air on your whiskers.

'Finally free. I've never had a birds eye view of the city. Maybe my tour shall start there, in the sky'

As you prepare to take off, you stretch your wings and do a few tests.

'Maybe I should start on higher ground?'

You make your mind and scale a trash can. It wobbles a bit but you found balance after a few seconds.



You flap your wings and take off. Flying up the side of a building and into the open sky. You do twirls and swoops. Sometimes diving down and pulling up at the last moment.

'This was such a good ide-'


A heated zap came out of nowhere and knocked you out of the sky. Your body felt to a rooftop. The impact made you dizzy but you could make out some figures standing over you. You see a purple glow and a giant figure side by side.

"Well well well, look what we have here" said a sassy purple glow.

"Yes, quite mysterious" said a gruff accent.

"Do you reckon we'll get a reward for this?"

"Yeees, rock steady could use some new galasses"

"It's pronounced glasses"


"Whatever. Ya stupid. Now lets get this thing back to headquarters"

"Yes, indeed"

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