Getting Help

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You begged.

"No, (Y/N)!" Screamed Leo.

You shrunk back in fear and tripped, landing on your butt.

"Owww...." You wimpered. You stood up and rubbed your tail which you had landed on. Leo walked up to you, you flinched slightly. You thought you saw pain and hurt in his eyes, but it turned into pride.

"I am the leader of this team. The team you arn't in. Your not coming on patrol." He declared harshly. You looked up at him, the hurt was clearer in your eyes, you (e/c) obs began to water. He sat down in front of the tv and ignored you.

"Sigh.....okay" You turned on you heel and trudged over to your bed. You morphed into a cat form and layed down. You brought your paws over your eyes to hide you shame.

"Leo doesn't believe in me" You mewled in pain, in hope that a certain someone would hear.

"(Y/N)?" You heared a soft bark from behind you.

You looked behind you and saw Sebastian trotting over to you. His speed slowed when he saw the tear trails down your face. His mood seemed to change when he raced over to you. He liked your face where the tears were. You were too sad to care. When he finshed you layed your head on the floor in between your paws. He mimicked your position and layed with your noses inches apart.

"I really wanted to go"you meowed. Staring deep into his eyes. Tears were threatening to spill again but you held then in.

", maybe if you convince the rest of the team that you shoul go, Leo would have to take you" He suggested. Your ears perked up and your eyes shun in hope. Sebastian chuckled at your reaction and licked your fluffly kitten cheek. Your face heated up slightly.

"Well this got awkward" You laughed. You slowly got up and walked away. You herd a happy sigh and released on aswell.

'Sebastian's saves me again' You thought. You were headed off to find your first victim.


"Meow?" You purred as you poked your head into Mikey's room.

"Kitty!" He practically screamed as he threw his comic across the room. He jumped off his bed and scooped you up in his arms. He snuggled his face into you fur between your neck and shoulders.

'Well then....' You thought.

He walked you over to his bed and sat down, with you on his lap. You smirked.

'Phase one complete; turtle within range. Comense phase two; make him flustered'

You morphed on his lap. He squeaked in surprise. You giggled and he blushed in embarrassment. You leaned forward and he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Hey Mikey?~" You flirted.

"Ye-yeah?" He replied with his eyes still shut.

"Would I be a good addition to the team?~" You asked in a tone of voice that made the colour of Mikey's face put Raph's mask to shame. He peeked open on eye, but both of his eyes opened wide when he notice how close your faces were.

"Wh-why?" He stuttered.

'Phase two complete. Comense phase three; tell him the problem and seem sad about it (which wouldn't be hard cause your a little upset still)'

"Leo doesn't think I'm good enough" Your voice cracks. Your eyes turn glassy, like you were going to cry again.

"Oh no no no no! Your good enough! Better even!" Mikey tried to comfort me. A single tear rolls down your cheek. He pulls you into a tight embrace.
"Don't cry...please?" He begged.
You exhaled sharply and nodded your head. He pulled back and gave you a sweet, supportive smile. You smiled back.

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