“The lady downstairs … she's come to take you away .”

Suddenly I was wide awake . “Thanks Pommie” I said , and didn't bother even brushing my hair . I raced downstairs , and skidded to a halt in the hallway . Alex stood with the woman , arguing with her .

“Just come back in a few hours” He pleaded , “Halo – I mean , Hazel , isn't even awake yet . We haven't packed or anything .”

“I think you'll find that your mistaken on that aspect” The woman said gesturing to me . Alex spun around .

“Halo , I didn't think you were awake” He said , before raising his eyebrows and beginning to smile . “Nice shirt .”

I looked down and blushed , folding my arms over the A.W.G. Logo . “Shut up , okay ? Vinny gave it to me for working at the merch stand one night .”

Alex nodded . “Yeah , it's not like you asked for that one in particular or anything ...”

I rolled my eyes .

“Um , excuse me ?” The lady at the door said , “Not to interrupt or anything , but I'm on a schedule and we've got to leave soon ...”

“Sure , just let me pack my stuff , okay ?” I said , trying to be as pleasant as possible . She nodded , satisfied .

“Would you like some tea or something , Ma'am ?” Rian offered politely from behind us , and she smiled .

“That would be lovely” She said , and Rian led her to the kitchen .

Alex followed me to my room , and we began raiding the closets and packing away my clothes .

“You don't have to be brave , you know” Alex said softly , “If you need to cry , then just let it out . It's okay .”

“No , Alex” I replied , “I can't be weak , you heard what Mr Sullivan said last night .”

“Yeah , he said that we're on equal ground .”

“Exactly . As in we're not winning .”

Alex frowned . “Well , we're not losing either .”

“That doesn't mean that they're losing ! But the point is , if we want to fight we have to stay tough .”

You don't have to be tough” Alex argued .

“Well , this whole thing is about me , isn't it ?” I replied .

“Yeah , but -”

“Alex , it's not really that important “ I dismissed .

“No , wait” Alex said . “Stop packing . This is the last time I'm going to see you for two days , if we're going to talk about this we need to do it now .”

I sighed . “Fine . Maybe I'm sick of being weak and shit .”

“Halo -”

“No , let me finish . Maybe I'm sick of having no choices .”

“You have choices !”

“Really ? Did I choose for my father to leave ? Did I choose for my mother and brother to die ?”

“No , but -”

“I can't remember the last time I made a decision by myself ! Your not even letting me do it now ! All you say to me about this is that it's going to be okay , and you know you've never once asked what I wanted to do ?”

“Halo -”

I didn't know where all of this angst was suddenly coming from , all I knew was that I was in tears , but kept yelling at Alex all the same .

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