46: Namjoon and Jin

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Note: This two make a perfect match because they are always together so why not clap our hands to this handsome guys who are now going to melt your heart with this imagine. It's Namjin alright.

I look at the both of them eating, staring into each other's eyes. "Could you both stop it please?" I ask the both of them and still they are now glaring.

If only this two could just calm down. They both are friends but Jin's brotherly love to me is too much, Namjoon's over protective is too much that he might stab a guy talking to me.

"Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin!" I shouted and they all look at me with a smile on their faces. "I thought we are going to bond at the mall? Can we go now?" I ask them and Jin suddenly held my hand walking out the house.

Namjoon grabs my bag and phone and I was wearing my pj's. "Oppa, wait! Look at me!" I ungrip Jin's hands and saw Namjoon laughing at Jin while I barge inside the house going to my room.

Can the both of them stop fighting over me? It does not make sense at all.

I dressed in my cozy pink sweater and a black pants, pairing it up with a white sneakers.

I walk outside with a smiling face and saw them arguing again, "This guys!" I said and took the driver seat. Namjoon was about to get the front sit.

"Nope, at the back!" I said and Jin laughs, eh? He's also at the back. "Thanks, pr—" I stared at him about to sit at the front, "At the back, as usual," He said, stomping his way to the other side of the door where he can not touch Namjoon.

I drive quietly, "You both are making me mad," I shrugged and they sigh.

I didn't drive to the mall, which made them argue with me rather than both of them. Thank god, they have stopped arguing, "I thought we are going at the mall, jagi?" Namjoon ask as I laugh.

"I'm kidnapping you both," I said laughing like an evil villain and Jin stared at me at the side mirror, rolling his eyes, and Namjoon was terrified at the way I prank him.

"Jin-oppa, can you smile for me please?" I ask Jin and he smiled, he stand up from the back and kiss my cheeks.

"Yah!" I heard Namjoon trying to punch Jin, "Namjoon-oppa, don't be so mean," I said to Namjoon as he sat quietly in his sit and also Jin.

I park at the parking area of this amusement park, "So, here are the rules," I said as they look at me with a smile.

I kiss there cheeks and quickly take a glance of them before I say my rules.

"First things first, never ever ever, argue! People might look at the both of you, never ever fight behind my back or is it in the house we both go, Third, have fun. I love you both and you don't have to argue. And lastly, hold my hands, Namjoon on my right and Jin on my left. That doesn't mean anything, so is it a deal, oppas?" I ask them and they nodded.

Namjoon intertwining my finger with his while Jin just holding my hand tight.

The first we will ride is vikings, a little warm-up shall do. "Aniyo, we both are okay here watching you," Jin said and Namjoon nodded as I rolled my eyes pulling them to the end of the seats.

"Hold tight, my oppas!" I said and they really held my hands tight, the others are freaking out even Namjoon and Jin, I raise my hands with them and they resist it.

The ride was awesome, "Are you okay, Jin-oppa?" I ask him and he nodded walking to the nearest restroom, "And you, my oppa?" I ask Namjoon and he rested his head on my shoulder as I kiss the top of his head.

Jin widen up his eyes, pushing Namjoon from he's comfortable sit and I shook my head.

"What's wrong with you?" Namjoon ask and they all look at me with a sorry look.

I walk out of them, without them even knowing it, I walk to the rollercoaster and I look back, Jin and Namjoon running towards me.

"Jagi!" Namjoon said and hurried up, I sitted to the side and there are only two seats, it's either I go with one of them or I'll take the solo flight.

"I'm going to sit with my sister!" Jin said as I shook my head no. "Aniyo, you both sit down behind me and leave me alone, you two should work on your problem, now sit down!" I said rolling my eyes and the people look at me with judgemental eyes.

They thought, I both liked them. I don't know why the both of them are fighting, Jin told me that I should be picking Namjoon as my boyfriend and Namjoon being good friends with Jin.

Since the past few weeks, I had to go home with Jin since I really missed him. Namjoon would be missing me so I also pack his things and went to our house. Our parents are not living in our house anymore since they have families to love and live.

Namjoon was clingy, he really is and I'm okay with it. But Jin, he tried to push Namjoon away from me, from hugging me. There's not any day they didn't fight about and because of me.

The ride was finish, and I look the both of them in their scared faces. If Namjoon only knew how much I really am inlove with him and If Jin also knew that I really love him.

"Let's go home already," Jin said and I nodded, the two of them forgot about me and I catch up panting hard, "Princess, you go at the back now, we're sorry for today," Jin said as I smiled at him and Namjoon walks inside the front seat.

They turn on the radio, but the route of the road was different. I took a look at it and we stop at a restaurant.

"Why don't I just cook for the both of you?" I ask them and Namjoon chuckled while Jin turns off the engine walking outside.

I hop out of the car and walk straightly inside, no one was eating in the restaurant. But it was fancy and elegant-looking.

"Goodevening, Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim," The waitress chuckled before showing us our table. We are reserved and this was the best one yet.

The order was already in our table as my stomach grumbles. Looking at the food, wow!

"Komawo, oppas!" I said grabbing a chopstick and eating happily. Namjoon and Jin was talking at the other table making me confuse.

"Hey, sorry about earlier, princess. Could you stop eating first?" Jin asking me as I landed my chopsticks and drink my water.

Jin help me to stand up as I saw Namjoon kneeling down at me.

"It's all planned. You know the question, Y/N-jagi!" Namjoon said as I help him stand up nodding at him while hugging him.

"Get a girl already!" I said smacking Jin's chest while hugging Namjoon. "I love you too, now let us eat!" Jin said sitting at the table and Namjoon kisses me quickly.

"You two are a good match when it comes on planning, I love you both!"

"I love you too, Y/N!" Jin said, grabbing a sushi putting it on my plate.

"Saranghae, jagi!" Namjoon winks at me and started eating.

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