Chapter 7

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Namjoon pov

The lecture I had to listen to felt like a life sentence. Especially since it was the second time I've heard it. Contrary to belief, I was a genius. I had a IQ of 148, the score of the top 1.3% in the nation. Of course nobody knew that because I kept it private. What bully was smart? Pretty contradictory if you ask me. I didn't care about it though, my passion was music, not science or math or English. I didn't need any of that. Jimin's class scores were only a few points ahead of me each time, but it was most likely because I barely tried. Either way I kept my scores hidden, I made fun of that freak for being smart, I couldn't let people know I was too.

The only reason I stayed behind another year was because I couldn't let that freak get by his next three years unscathed. The other second-year seniors were Jin, JB, Jr, and Zico because they all agreed to follow my plan and fail their finals. Well actually JB didn't fail his, I just made his test score "disappear" because he was a baby that couldn't let that get on his record. The rest of the older group members however, were here for the first time so I didn't feel so bad for them having to go through this. I was probably gonna flunk this year too, my mom was loaded so none of us had to worry about finding a job or anything.

Although, I was second guessing my decisions after listening to this guy speak about the same literature piece for two hours a day just like last year. I didn't know if I could do this again.

Just when I felt like I was about to hang myself, the bell rang. I had never been so happy in my life, especially because I could pick on Jimin some more before lunch. Stupid nerd, he may have got out of skipping to 12th grade, but he couldn't get out of pre-Calculus with us, he was just too "smart".

Of course I played a little part in it too, my mom was the superintendent. If any staff here didn't want to lose their job, they had to listen to me. I chose who was in what classes, bts were always with me, at least when I could get them in. I snuck all my members, including Jungkook, onto the pre-calculus roster despite the fact we were all scattered in different grades. And the minute I saw Jimin on the pre-calculus roster I put him with us. For the rest of the classes it was mostly just me, Jin, and J-hope. That wasn't all I did with my mom's power though. Jimin has filed numerous bullying reports over the last year and a half and somehow they have all magically came up "missing"? Similar to how JB's perfect score final "disappeared." Nothing gets past me in that office. The teachers have two choices, do as I say or get fired. My parents supported me for bullying Jimin, after all he was one of those.... things. Jimin would never be saved, and that was a fact.

Yoongi nudged my arm, nodding towards the door. I sighed and followed him to our next class , sitting in my desk and patiently waiting for Jimin. "Follow after me okay? Don't look at him until I make the first move," I said to the others, whose desks just "happened" to be assigned surrounding Jimin's. My plan was to ignore him and make him think he was safe, then catch him off guard. I saw him out of the corner of my eyes and looked the other way. I stared at his reflection on the window, he was confused. It made me laugh so I decided I'd start now.

I turned to him, "Ah look who it is boys. It's the freak. The nothing. The little nerd that can do math. Look at him trying to get the teacher's attention. Nobody cares about you, when will you realize that?" He looked at me, taken aback but not as offended as I wanted. I looked at J-hope, signaling for him to take over. I wouldn't stop till he hurt. J-hope leaned towards Jimin, "Do you truly believe anybody likes you? You're ugly, fat, and worthless." He giggled afterwards, making me roll my eyes.

I looked at Jimin who still looked unscathed. That's when I smiled, I knew what would break that freak. I turned to Jungkook, smirking. He was confused at first, and then when he understood he shook his head. Did he know who he was talking to? I glared at him, making sure he knew that he'd be in big trouble if he denied me one more time. He sighed and turned towards Jimin, "Why don't you just kill yourself? Everybody would be happy anyways," He snickered. Glaring at me as he turned back around. A smile crept upon my face as I watched Jimin's face turn from confusion to sadness, and the grand finale.... the waterfall of tears began to flow. The other members looked away, almost as if avoiding him. Did they really... feel bad? Well they didn't know what he was, because if they did they would probably think the same way as I do. I'll never feel bad. Never.

Jimin took a hold of his bag and left. Wiping his tears on the way out. I turned to the members. "Good job boys," I smiled. None of them returned it, even Yoongi who was my boy. I looked at Jin, he looked at me as if he was looking at the devil himself. I was caught off guard for a second, I was about to ask him what his problem was but he got up and stormed off too.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the teacher. Nobody cared enough to feel bad for Jimin. That wasn't just me right? Jin is just a good boy, I bet he'd hate that freak if he knew the truth also. Jin really got on my nerves sometimes. He had no idea how to let go and have fun, he was probably messed up in the head just like Yoongi.

I waited, staring at the door. What was taking Jin so long? Wait, why did I care? Who cares if Jin's upset, it's his fault for caring too much. He'll be fine. I tried to take my mind off it but my mind would wander back to Jin. Was he mad at me? Who cares if he's mad at me..... right? After a painful half hour he returned. With this darkness in his eyes I had never seen before. Taehyung leaned over and whispered something into Jin's ear, in which Jin responded with a glare and a shaking of the head. I got up to ask what the secret was but Jin got up and stormed out the door, making sure to slam his wide shoulders into me on the way out, the same second the bell rang.

I didn't see him at all for the next few periods so I sat with the others by ourselves at lunch. Why did I care what he was doing? It's not like he's my girlfriend or anything. I shivered just at the thought, I needed to stop talking like that. I saw Jimin casually, but quite nervously, walk in. I laughed at his poor attempt to not draw attention. Got7 walked up to us as their leader, JB, sat down right in front of me. He tilted his head, chewing his gum extra loudly. "Hey you wanna bother Jimin with us? It'll be fun," he said. I never thought I would be happy to see JB, but I was. "You didn't even have to ask," I smirked.

We both got up, the others following as if they were on autopilot. Jimin was lost in thought as he walked across the cafeteria holding his food tray, quietly muttering to himself like a freak. He truly was sick in the head. JB snuck up behind him. As Jimin went to grab the apple off his tray JB flipped around him and stole it out of Jimin's hand, managing to stick his foot out and trip Jimin at just the right second. I smiled and Jimin tripped and fell to the ground and right into the food on his tray. To say it brought me great joy was an understatement. Jb played dirty, but he was talented and crafty.

Jb started on some more fat jokes but I didn't have time to laugh at them. My attention pulled in another direction. The lunch lady had just wheeled out those stupid tiny cartons of milk. As the kids walked up I glared and shooed them away. I grabbed one, opening it up. I turned to look at a sad, defeated Jimin covered in food. I slowly walked up behind him. I glanced up and noticed Jin was looking over here, his eyes widened when he saw me. I smirked, hoping to make him angry, and dumped the milk right on top of the freak's head. He gasped but that was it. The entire lunchroom went into an uproar. But Jimin just sat there. Where were the tears and the running away? I watched as the others grabbed milk cartons and dumped it on him also. He just.... sat there. It was almost scary. Mostly it was got7 who joined in, for some reason my members didn't. But I was too angry at the freak to get mad at them. Where was my huge tearful reaction? I turned to look at Jin, who looked at me as if I had killed somebody.

After the others finished dumping what milk they had left on him, he just got up and left. Without a word, or a tear. His eyes were completely dry. I saw Jin follow quietly behind. I was confused, but I quickly forgot about it when the bell rang and I parted ways with the rest of my members. I didn't see Jin or Jimin for the rest of the day, I wondered what Jin was going to say to me when he got back.

A/n Around here is when I'm going to start adding new chapters and new povs that weren't in the last one. Also do you like Namjoon being more evil? * spoiler alert to all who haven't read the original sorry* Because I don't want people to feel he's completely unforgivable. (Don't get me wrong if this was a real person it would be unforgivable) but trust me I'm going to drag it out much much longer with this, the more evil he is the longer it'll take to forgive. I don't want this to seem like some horrible show like 13 reasons why because (no offense to any stans) that show isn't my cup of tea that's for sure which probably seems contradictory cause I've seen a lot of people comment how similar it is and lord knows I don't want that for this one. I wrote the original before that show came out though so really they stole from me jk sorry this is really long

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