Clearing The Air and Something Fun

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Fiona smiles and tackles me with a big loving hug.

"You're right. Thank you, Sophia! You're the best." She compliments me loudly in my ear.

"Anytime, Fi."


Fiona and I stay up way too late and before either of us realize it, it's two AM and we're buried in her closet.

"Oh my gosh there's so much in here I've never even worn! What's wrong with me?" She says as she hold a blouse up to her chest that still has the tag on it.

"Did you get this when we were sixteen? Your boobs would never fit into that." I say laughing.

"Yeah that sounds about right. There's so much stuff in here that my mom bought me that I absolutely hated it so I never wore it."

Fiona stands up and starts pulling garment after garment off of their hangers and throwing them at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask as a pencil skirt hits me in the face.

"This stuff probably fits you, try some stuff on." She says. I lift up the array of blouses and skirts and questionably raise an eyebrow.

"Why are all of these clothes so professional?" I ask.

"My mom was trying to turn me into a 'bright young lady' remember? She was trying to get me to throw away my trench coat and I ended up trying to fist fight my mom."

I nod "ahhh that's why you got your bedroom door taken off, isn't it?"

"Yep, That's the time." Fiona pulls a specific skirt and top from my hands and holds them next to each other. Then she goes to her dresser and starts fishing through her stocking collection.

"What are you doing?" I question nervously.

"Does professor fucks a lot have a thing for sexy librarians?" She asks me as she pulls a pair of black sheer thigh high tights from her drawer.

"I mean... probably. We haven't experimented with fetishes yet."

"I bet he does. Put this on." Fiona demands as she shoves her specially chosen outfit into my arms.

"I'm not wearing this, Fiona." I say blankly and she rolls her eyes. "Oh yes you are, or I'm breaking out the freshmen pictures next time I see Thomas."

"You fight dirty, you know that?" I scowl but agree and go to the bathroom to put of this provocative assortment of dress attire.

I step out looking like a stereotypical porn star.

The black pencil skirt stops two inches above my knee and the white blouse has buttons up the front but as per Fiona's orders I could only button the bottom four. My black bra and all of the cleavage I've ever had are on full display. The tights go just above my knee so you can only just see where they stop if I bend over slightly.

"Satisfied?" I ask Fiona who looks like she's about to pounce on me.

"Holy crap you look so hot! Put your hair in a bun and wear these!" She says excitedly, handing me a pair of black heels.

I put my hair in a tight dancers bun and slip on Fiona's shoe of choice.

"You look phenomenal, but I think you're missing something." Fiona says as we both stare at my reflection in her mirror.

"Oh duh! I know." She says and runs over to her night stand where she rummages for a few moments. She pulls out a pair of nonprescription hipster glasses that she had bought during a phase a few years ago.

Love Letters and Literature Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora