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Raising our vibrations is the first of 3 sections that are designed to help us to be our higher selves. Raising our vibrations connects us with our higher selves. The higher our vibrations are the more we connect with our higher self and become our higher self. I will explain more about higher selves in section 4 which is all about higher selves. The Higher Self lesson is an in-depth lesson which is why I have split this lesson in to three separate sections. In this way we can cover all that needs covering. This section is a major part of the Higher Self lesson. When we are our higher selves our vibration will be at its very highest. In order to grow spiritually and develop our gifts, we need to constantly be raising our vibrations to a much higher level. Raising our vibrations plays a major role in our development and with our spiritual growth.

Sections 3, 4 and 5 are the entire Higher Self lesson. These are as follows:

* Section 3: Rising Vibrations Course
* Section 4: Connecting with our Higher Self Course
* Section 5: Being our Higher Selves Course


What are vibrations?

As I mentioned before in the Protection and Grounding lesson; everything is made up of energy. Everything has a vibration! A vibration is energy so the higher and healthier your energy is the stronger your vibration is. A vibration is like a frequency. Animals have a much higher vibration than we do and this is why their senses are so heightened - the higher your energy levels / vibration the more heightened your senses are. This is why animals can hear and see so much better than what we can. They find it easy to see, hear and feel spirit. Their intuition is strong because their vibration is strong. Vibrations are basically energy and higher frequencies. This is similar to tuning in to a radio station. The better the connection and the stronger the frequency the better quality of sound you will receive. If the connection and frequency is not good then you will find it hard to tune into a radio channel. This same principle applies when tuning into our guides and angels. We need to raise our vibrations and energy in order to better tune in with our guides and angels. The higher our vibrations the easier it will be for us to hear, feel and see our guides and angels.

Why do we have to raise our vibration

Raising our vibrations is an integral part of growing spiritually and developing our gifts. We have to be constantly raising our vibrations in order to use our gifts to their full potential. The more our vibrations rise the stronger our intuition becomes. Raising our vibrations helps our six senses to strengthen, heighten and grow. It helps us to have a stronger intuition and to better tune into others, our planet and spiritual helpers. Our guides and angels vibrate at a much higher level than what we do. In order for us to better connect with our guides and angels we need to constantly be raising our vibrations so that we vibrate on a higher frequency / level - similar to that of our guides. As our vibrations rise we draw more positive energy into our lives which are equally as important. Raising our vibrations removes negative energy and draws positive energy to you. It is healing and cleansing. Raising our vibrations helps us to heal on a deep spiritual level.

How can I raise my vibration higher?

There are so many ways of raising our vibrations. We raise our vibrations regularly with out even realising that we are doing so. Below is a short list of common ways of raising vibrations...


When we are negative then we draw negative energy into our lives. This negative energy dampens our vibrations and makes us vibrate at a far lower frequency. This makes is harder for us to develop our gifts and connect with our guides and angels. The more positive energies in your life the happier you will become and the higher your vibration will rise. So many times in our lives we draw negative energies to us with out realizing it. Just by thinking negatively of yourself or others can draw negative energy to you. If you can train yourself to think more positively then you will notice that positive things will begin to happen in your life. If you think negatively then negative things will happen. The more positive you are and become and the more you learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, the more your psychic gifts and intuition will heighten and grow into something beautiful.

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