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There are some important factors that must be shared with you before you begin your spiritual journey. I have listed these factors below…

Hogwash Rules

As you develop your gifts you may hear or read such things as: “You should never drink alcohol while doing spiritual work.” “You should not each meat so you should be a vegetarian.” “You should not eat anything when doing spiritual work.” “When using the Tarot go by the card meanings in the book.” Auras have specific colours and meanings” etc. The above are just examples of some of the things that you may hear. I call these Hogwash Rules. The reason for this because it’s a load of hogwash – rubbish! Please do not believe everything you hear.

Use your own intuition to help guide you. I personally find that I connect better with spirit if I have had a few to drink – this is because I am more relaxed. I love to eat meat and have it daily – dinner with out meat is not a dinner at all in our house. I have eaten while doing spiritual work and it has never been an issue. With auras – yes there are specific meanings but let your intuition guide you. Red may mean anger issues, heated discussions and frustration for one person, but passionate, romantic, healthy and successful for another. Let your intuition guide you as to what as person’s aura colour says about them.

The same principal applies with Tarot cards or any types of cards. I use Tarot of the Angels cards when performing readings. I have a book but have not even read it. I have not got the foggiest idea what any of the cards suggested meanings are. I merely use the cards as a guide to confirm the information that my guides and angels pass onto me. One card could mean a hundred different things – depending on the person that I am reading for. So you do not have to spend hours on end studying each individual card. Remember to let your intuition be your guide and your handbook. There are NO set rules when it comes to development and using of your gifts.

Development Negativities

As you begin your spiritual journey and development there will be out side forces that will try and stop you from growing. I call these outside forces Development Negativities. The name says it all; these out side forces will try and put a damper on your development. They will try to hinder your growth and drain you of your energy. As you grow spiritually you will send out love and light to others and our planet. You spread light to the earth and that light helps to raise vibrations and open others hearts. This light is made up of pure energy. It is heavenly light that helps others to heal, grow and raise their vibration. Psychic’s have the important job of helping to prepare others for the new spiritual awaking that is taking places. These out side forces want to stop us from spreading love and light. They try to spread fear, hatred and darkness instead and they will try to remove the light and love that we spread.

Development Negativities will do all they can to stop your development. They will cause small and big irritants to come along and distract you from your path. These irritants will come in the form of upsets, augments, issues in all areas such as work, family and friendship. They will try everything to draw your attention from your development. It is vital that you do not let these Development Negativities stop you. I have witnessed many great psychics and mediums give up their journeys so early in their development. They give up thanks to the Psychic Negativities. They are unable to cope with all that these negativities shove at them. It is important to not give in to these negativities. Do not let their negative influences stop your development and growth. The good news is that the more you fight these negativities – by working on your development no matter what life throws at you and by remaining positive, the less they will affect you. It usually takes 3 – 6 months before they will eventually leave you alone.

You need to show the development negativities that you are in control of your life and your development. Let them know that you will not let anything stop you from achieving your goals and from moving forward. Try to stick it out for if you do then, life will soon have a sense of normality again. Life will run smoothly, you will move forward and new doors will open for you. You will feel positive and see things in a new light – it is an amazing experience and achievement. See this as a test of your faith and devotion to your spiritual path. Stay strong! Have faith! Do not give up! And most important of all have faith that life will soon be peaceful once more.

Development and Raising     Vibrations Side Effects

As you grow spiritually and your senses begin to heighten you may start to notice that strange things begin to take place. The reason for this is because your vibration is raising and your senses are heightening and developing. As with puberty you notice obvious changes, this is the same with developing and growing spiritually. Below are a just a few things that you may experience – especially at the beginning of your development. After this section is a section called Spiritual Transition. There you will find lots of other signs of growing spiritually, raising your vibration and development side effects…

1. Blurred Vision or over sensitivity to light

2. Feeling as though you are on a different wave length to others

3. Conversations that were once stimulating are now boring and dull

4. You are a lot more positive now than you were before

5. Colours and all that is around you seems brighter and filled with more life

6. You may feel that you are drifting from people in your life – usually people who are not as risen as you’re self. This is because your vibration has risen so you will feel more comfortable in the presence of people who vibrate at the same level as your own.

7. Throbbing or a pressure in your head, side of the head and by the third eye. Headaches or blocked ears

8. People will come to you and share their life stories with you or ask for your help – people are drawn to you like a magnet

9. You will get days where you feel very low and down for no apparent reason – this is because Development Negativities will try and hinder your development.

10. You may find that everything seems to be going wrong. Or your self confidence and confidence in your gifts and abilities will be low – you may want to give up on your development. You may find that one week you are on a high – you feel so positive and motivated, then the next you feel like giving up and feel as though you can not cope. Again, this is down to the Development Negativities. Do not let them get the better of you!

11. You will feel a deep need with in for change. You may want to change your hair or looks, job, home or friendships.

12. New opportunities will fly into your life. New doors will open and you will be showered with heavenly gifts and blessings

13. You will become more aware of all the blessings in your life. You will also notice just how much love and support you have on a daily basis

14. You may find that you become more creative or have lots of inspirational creative ideas springing to mine

15. You may feel a need to connect with nature, have quiet time and to be on your own.

16. Everything will see so loud. Sometimes everyday sounds will seem to hurt your ears as they will be so loud

17. You may find that your temperature is up and down. You keep feeling strange sensations and changes in the atmosphere

18. You will want to remove all negative energy and people from your life. You will feel a deep need to have no negativity in your life

19. You will become more sensitive and emotional, more empathic and feel a deep love for others and the planet

20. A deep hunger to learn, grow and move forward. You may feel a deep need to find out your life purpose.

Vanishing gifts

As you grow spiritually and your gifts develop you may find that gifts you previously had seem to vanish. You may also find that new gifts come into play and are heightened. This can be quite daunting experiences as you worry that you are loosing your gifts. Please do not feel alarmed as your gifts have not actually gone but only hidden for the time being – I like to call this gift hibernation. New gifts will come as others hibernate. The reason for this is because different senses are being heightened.  You need to learn a variety of ways of communicating with spirit and angels. It may be that you are not ready for all your gifts to be strong at once. Having all gifts at their strongest could be over powering if you are not ready for it. So how your body copes with the changes is by allowing some of your gifts to lay dormant while you are becoming familiar with other gifts. They come and go one at a time so that you get used to the different ways of connecting with spirit. When you are ready and your vibration is risen enough, then all your gifts will come back at once. You will then find that you can connect with spirit in many different ways. Everything has divine timing. When you are ready, you will know it deep within.

Spirit Guide Ascension

As you grow spiritually your vibration will be constantly changing and rising and so do your spirit guides. We all have a wide variety of spiritual helpers who help and guide us on a daily basis. We have life guides who are constantly with us from our births till our deaths. We have spirit guides, higher level guides and many types of guides. We have guides who help us with various areas of our lives. Once their work is done then they will leave and others will take their place as and when needed. As our vibrations grow and rise we move into different stages of our development. The guides working with us on our spiritual paths will need to grow so that they are on the higher vibration level than we are. What happens is these guides will then go into what is called Ascension. This is where they need their vibration to be raised even higher and there will be new knowledge for them to learn. This Ascension period can last anywhere from a month to a year or maybe even more. Once they have learned all that is needed to teach us then they will return.

When these guides leave you may feel completely lost or feel as though you have lost your best friend or a loved one. You may feel so sad but not understand why. You could even feel depressed or experience feelings of grief – just with no reason behind why you are feeling this way. There is a reason and that reason is because your guide has left your aura and energy. Another guide will come through to work with you as a sub guide until your guide as completed ascension and can return. Usually when your guide returns you will feel happy, content with life, positive and will be filled with over flowing energy. You will feel so good and so loved.

PSYCHIC AWAKENING Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon