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One question that everyone always seems to ask is, "What are Chakras?" The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning, "Wheels of Light." Chakras are spiralling energy centres in our body. Everything in the universe is made up of pure energy. Every plant, human and living thing is made up of this pure energy.

There are 7 main Chakras with many little ones in each of us. These Chakras help to keep us balanced, feed in good energy and dispose of any negative or unwanted energy. If our Chakras are unbalanced then we are unbalanced and struggle to go about our daily lives.

We become depressed or feel tied all the time, our health may suffer or we may find it difficult to grow spiritually. It is important to keep our Chakra's balanced and cleansed. In this lesson I will teach you how to keep your Chakras and Auras balanced, cleansed and healthy.

The 7 Main Chakras

1. Red - root / base Chakra

2. Orange - Sacral / Spleen Chakra

3. Yellow - Solar Plexus Chakra

4. Green - Heart Chakra

5. Turquoise - Throat Chakra

6. Blue - Brow or third eye Chakra

7. Purple - Crown Chakra

The first of the Chakras is the root / base Chakra. This Chakra is RED in colour and is situated at the base of spine between the anus and genitals, opening downwards. The Sanskit name for this Chakra is Muladhara.

This Chakra is the element of Earth. The key issues associated with the red Chakra are sexuality, lust and obsession, health and the physical body - meaning that this Chakra relates to the condition and health of the physical body, our sexuality, sensuality and our mental stability.

It is important to keep all of our Chakra's balanced and cleansed. I will provide you with some helpful meditations that will help to keep your Chakras cleansed and balanced.

When the red Chakra becomes imbalanced you may experience various health problems such as fatigue, depression, colds and flu, back problems, sickness, Anaemia, Sciatica, headaches and migraines. Your body's defence system will be low so you are more likely pick to up illnesses going around. You may also find that your feet and hands feel cold a lot of the time.

The best way to keep your Red Chakra balanced and cleansed is to try out the meditations that will follow in this lesson. Try to get daily physical exercise and plenty of restful sleeps.

You could also try eating more red foods and drinking red drinks as this helps to restore and balance your red Chakra. Gardening and spending time in the out doors is another great way to help keep your Chakra balanced. Wearing red gemstones or crystals helps, as well as wearing red clothing. Good essential oils you can use are ylang ylang and sandalwood.

The second Chakra is the Sacral / Spleen Chakra. This Chakra is ORANGE in colour and is situated below the navel / belly button ( lower abdomen). The Sanskit name for this Chakra is Svadisthana.

This Chakra is the element of Water. The key issues associated with the orange Chakra are relationships, Violence, depression, emotional issues and addictions. This Chakra relates to our feelings, emotions and experiences.

There are many ways to help keep your orange Chakra balanced and cleansed. Eating and drinking a lot of orange foods and drinks is a good way to keep your Chakra balanced.

The meditations that will follow on in this lesson are helpful too, hot aromatic baths, wearing orange clothes works too and so does wearing or carrying orange gemstones or crystals, embracing sensations and trying out different types of foods also helps to keep your orange Chakra balanced and cleansed.

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