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Crystals and gemstones have strong qualities and have been used for thousands of years. There are countless types of gemstones and crystals. They have been used for a wide variety of purposes. Some are used for healing while others for protection, some for balancing, magic, jewellery, decorating the home and others for psychic work. Crystals and gemstones are not only beautiful but they are very useful too. Crystals and gemstones are highly protective and can be used to remove, ward off and eliminate negative energy. They also help to keep various areas of your life balanced.

Crystals are becoming even more popular now as people are learning how to use them and more about them. Angels have a deep connection with crystals and are associated with many of the crystals available to us. In this section of the lesson I will be teaching you about crystals and protection. We will learn how to cleanse our crystals. I will teach you how to use crystals for protection and how to protect your home. Crystals and Gemstones are also associated with the Archangels and months of the year - birthstones. I will teach you about this too.

Which crystals are best to use for protection?

All crystals are good to use for protection as they all have a strong vibration - though some crystals are said to have stronger protective qualities than others.  All of the below crystals help ward off negative energy, stop psychic attack, stop you picking up on others negative energy, removes negative entities and stops them from attaching themselves to you. All of the below are good crystals to use for protection.  I will also share with you information about other types of crystals and what their main qualities are.

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is a gorgeous gemstone that has very strong protective qualities. This stone protects against psychic attack and it wards off negative spirits. Tigers Eye has strong healing qualities too and is often used as an Anti-depressant. It also has balancing qualities and can be used to help keep balance in all areas of your life. This stone is strongly connected to the star signs of Leo and Capricorn. This stone helps with dreams and premonitions. Its high vibration makes it a perfect stone to use for protection and grounding.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian has a strong energy which helps to keep us protected, grounded and helps with prophecy. If you are in a stressful situation then this is a good stone to have on you as it will help to relieve the stress and push out any negative energy that is around you.

Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz has an extremely strong vibration. It’s vibration is so strong at it actually eliminates negative energy and entities as soon as it comes into contact with it. Smokey quarts can be very useful in removing negative emotions, easing negative situations, helping to heal the planet, removal of the negative effects of toxic chemicals and waste and it helps to remove negative attachments and psychic attack. This crystal also has strong healing qualities. It helps to reduce pain, bring calmness to any given situation, helps to relax and de-stress you. Helps with fear, anger, pain, depression and other physical and mental issues. This crystal is a must for every collection.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is associated with the Archangel Raziel. This crystal has very powerful healing properties and helps with healing our body, mind and spirit, building up of self confidence, gives us energy and vitality, helps with self esteem and over coming past hurts and pain. Clear Quartz also heightens our psychic intuition, keeps us protected and balanced, helps us to remember our dreams and important information and helps with memory. Clair Quartz helps to re-energize us and stimulates psychic perception.

Rose Quarts

Rose Quartz has a soft and gentle energy which helps to keep you calm and draw love into your life. This crystal is good for healing relationships and for bringing piece, love and calmness into your life. Rose Quartz is also the crystal that is associated with the Archangel Ariel. This stone also helps us to forgive and feel forgiveness towards others. Rose Quartz is also a birthstone for people born in the month of January. Each month of the year has two or more crystals or gemstones associated with it. Garnet is the other stone associated with people born in the month of January.

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