Chapter 7: So "Not" My Knight In Shining Armor

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🔱Taylor's pov 🔱
Recap ..

"You son of a bitch" I yelled at hunter
"This is all your damn fucking fault!

Then he threw a punch straight for my face but I dodged it in time.

"What the hell are you talking about!" he yelled back at me

"If you weren't on the damn phone with her this all could have been avoided!"
Then one of the police officers split us up.

"Will u morons give it a rest we have a life on the line here!"

Then me an hunter froze, we both turned at the same time to see Anna being pulled into the ambulance. I ran up to her and following behind me was Hunter. I hopped into the ambulance with her then I looked at her blood stained body.

I can't believe this is happening.
I got closer to her face and stroked her check not caring about the blood.

Then I heard a growl coming from the person across from me. It was the ass face hunter.

"What the hell you growling at dog" I said.

"Something ugly " he replied
"So stop touching my best friend" he continued

That got me angry but then I started smirking.

"And here I thought you were so much more" I said coolly.

"Oh trust me we will be" he said with a determined face

"I really doubt it" I said turning away from him back to Anna

"Why do you even care, why are you here!" He yelled

"That's for me to know and for you to leave your ugly ass out of my business" I warned him

"Ugly? What have you been checking me out?" He smirked

"You wish I would check you out" I winked at him just to get him mad

"F*ck you" he glared

"It's ok I know you want to, but I only do ladies, not horny annoying football players" it was my turn to smirk at him

The ambulance came to a halt and they rushed Anna straight to the emergency room. I started to follow but the nurse held me back.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't enter we'll give you the news as soon as we're done". She said looking me up and down. A horny nurse is the last thing I need now

"But I have to go in there now I'm not going to leave her!"

"I'm sorry sir but I can't let you, then she turned around and shut the doors."

"Damn it" I punched the wall she better be ok.

🌹Annas pov🌹

"Ugh" I started to open my eyes to a sickening white color all around me and I heard a beep beep beep to my left.

My eyes began to flutter until they got use to the bright lights, I looked around to see a nurse humming to her self and looking at something in her hand.

I groaned and that got her attention .

"Oh hello sweet heart, your finally awake " she said coming over.

What happened I said and my voice sounded pretty awful

"We'll honey what do you remember ?" She asked me gently

"Um.. we'll I was going home from school when I picked up my phone and ... that's all I guess."

"We'll honey you were in a pretty bad car accident." She said sadly
"Half your body was out the windshield and you lost a lot of blood. By the way there's a boy an his name is Taylor along with a boy named hunter here and I'm guessing your friends and family are in the waiting room" she smiled down at me.

Oh I wonder what Taylor wants from me?

"Um mam do you know what day it is?
Ya sure it's Friday March 21 why?"

It took me a minute to register in my head.

"what oh god oh god this can't be happening"

"Honey calmed down" the nurse said rushing to the monitor
"Your heart rate is going viral take a deep breathe" she called out to me

I did as I was told

"Good keep it up"

And then my heart rate was back to normal

"Yes sweetie you have been in a comma for two weeks your lucky it wasn't more then that. But don't worry you'll be out of here in no time."

"Ugh"I groaned laying my head back down I can't believe I wasted my whole spring vaca and on top of that my car is probably damaged terribly.

Life sucks sometime.

"Anna!" I hear someone yell from the doorway.
"your finally awake" of course hunter and right behind him my to bffs

"Hi guys what's up ?" I asked casually

"Nothing much how about you, oh my god we were so worried, what happened, how are you feeling, " said Alex

"Ok ok hold on with the ques girl I said as I started laughing.

"I'm fine I don't feel much pain I guess and I was talking on the phone when I.. when i.. I can't remember exactly." I smiled sheepishly

"Honey you made a car crash remember ?"

"Oh yeah now all memory is coming back." I grinned at the nurse
She shook her head side to side with a smile.

"I can't believe u were asleep the whole vacation but I'm glad your ok" said Chloe
Giving me a hug

"Aww thanks girl" I gave her a hug back

"Ya what she said" says Be coming in for a hug

"All the other girls are at the cafeteria buying water they should be up here soon" said Alex giving me the upgrade

"Oh ok no problem and I have a question to ask you"

"What is it "

"um why is Taylor here?"

They all got quiet ...

"um we'll I don't really know you should ask him your self I guess ." She looked confused as well

"We'll ok can someone call him in? "

I will " said hunter

"Thanks" I smiled at him

Hunter walks to the door and then disappears I have to ask him about what he was saying before I made the crash.

🔱Taylor's pov🔱

I'm sitting in the waiting room arguing if I should enter her room or not.

I have to think of an excuse to say to her of why I'm here.

"Yo Anna wants to see you" said Hunter glaring

"Anyways tell her if she asks why I came here, It was to see my cousin that's giving birth not her ok?" I said sternly

"What ever as long as she's mine" says hunter

"Think again dip shit" I smirked

I walk to Anna's room and take a deep breath before entering. Here goes nothing.


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Lots of love😘😘💋♥️♥️😋😋

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