Chapter 22: The Airport

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            The cars were honking, and people were yelling back and forth to one another. The lights were gleaming and the stars were shining outside with the moon right in the center of everything. With all its activeness, the airport was still dazzling. I always loved coming here and riding aboard the planes with my family. My very first flight was to New York City to watch the New Years show. It was absolutely amazing that no words could describe it. But now I'm here for a whole new reason. I'm determined to get a certain someone forgotten.


Startled out of my thoughts I looked in the direction of the person who just yelled in my ear.

"What?! Sheesh you couldn't just simply tap my shoulder?" I glared at my new bodyguard.

"No, because you're too busy daydreaming. Can you save it for later so we can leave the car? "

" Ok ok, you're right.. enough, we still have to get our flight tickets."

I totally forgot that we didn't have any purchased tickets yet. After all, this whole plan to leave the U.S came out suddenly.

Jordan got a cart and settled our luggage on to it.

"Anna please don't tell me you're going to be this slow doing everything on this trip. I'm a bodyguard not a nanny. So get your ass up and come on."

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh shush, I'm up but I'm not walking." I said stubbornly trying to get on his nerves.

"Then what the hell should I do? Carry you on my shoulder while pushing the c-"

He stopped mid point through his word as if a genious idea popped up in his 'oh so brilliant brain'.

"What genious? Did you figure out a formula to mutate your body to be able to carry me now? "

"No, but I the name genius is well deserved since this awsome brain just came up for your laziness problem."

"Enlighten me than" I remarked at him with sarcasm

"Gladly .." He smirked

I was waiting for his idea to pour out and bore me but all I got was a view of his butt.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Put me down you idiot, I was just messing with you!" I yelled at his back

" Um no. You said you didn't want to walk and now I mastered up a plan for you"

"I bet you're grinning Jordan, so remove it before I slap it off. This isn't funny!" I was now pissed at him, This is the treatment I get? Sheesh a girl can't get anything done her way anymore.

"Watch your head Anna."

"For w--- OW! What the fuzzballs is wrong with you?" I shouted at him

The stupid dummy just banged my head and butt on the the cart. Setting me down with the luggage. To be frank.. not such a bad idea.

"What the fuzzballs? Anna you're not in second grade." He laughed.

"That doesn't mean I have to cuss dummy" I retorted

"Well anyways lets hope that we can find the flight you're looking for ok" His face changed into one more serious

"Yeah, come on push me inside!" I threw my fist up cheering

He laughed at began pushing me. As we passed trying to enter the doors, everyone's eyes watched us as if we were chimps in diapers doing the arabian dance "dabka". But I didn't care since I was heading to have fun and they were probably going on business trips. So to bad suckers!

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