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The lunch bell rings and I'm distracted by my thoughts. My thumbs quickly type a message and send it to Luke.

*Meet me for lunch?*

I stand up from my seat and grab my bags and head to my locker, placing my books away. The lunchroom is filled with chatter and I look over everyone, searching for Luke. While in line I grab an apple and head outside to my normal spot. A familiar buzz catches me off guard and I look to see Luke's message.

*Yeah, Ill see you outside*

My stomach flips with how excited I am. All night I just kept thinking about what to tell Luke today. A slight breeze goes by as I sit outside under a tree. I wait for Luke to meet me out here. The slightly tinted windows from the school building makes me insecure with sitting out here alone. I've always felt as if people were starring at me.

With a few minutes going by, the door is pushed open and the tall boy walks towards me holding a lunch tray. A small smile fixes itself upon his lips. I return the gesture and he sits next to me.

"Hey" I softly say.

He sets his tray down and gives me a side hug, rubbing my shoulder for a minute before pulling away.

"You seem in a good mood today" He tells me.

He starts to pick at his food and I'm trying to think of exactly what to tell him about what we did with the song. One Direction is a huge band and I want that part to be a surprise, but I still want him to know about the opportunity with a larger group having his song.

"Yeah well Cher and I did a lot yesterday regarding your song" I look up to his confused face. "Like trying to help you out"

He takes a bite of his food and then looks back to me. His eyes are dark, and his mood has completely changed.

"Help how? What did you do?" He questions me calmly.

"Well you see Cher thought it would be a good idea to show a professional the song" I explain to him shyly.

"How would they see my song?"

"Well I took a picture just to get her advice on it" I admit.

"And what happened?" He presses.

"Well they liked the song and thought of making it into something that could be really big"

"So you're telling me, you took my song without telling me and gave it to someone else to make it how they want it?" The tone in his voice is something different.

His expression has dropped and my cheeks begin to heat up in embarrassment.

"Well when you say it like that it sounds bad, but trust me-" Luke's loud voice cuts me off.

"Trust you? That was my song, I never said you could just give it away. It was extremely personal"

I'm silent. I purse my lips to keep them from trembling. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He looks at me and backs away. He goes to leave, but I speak again.

"Luke, I'm sorry" My voice cracks a bit and he turns around quickly.

"What is this Selena? Like did you do this just to get back at me?"

I sit up from my spot and try to get closer. But with each step I take he moves one back.

"No, I swear I was just trying to help" I tell him.

"Well you've done enough" He snaps.

He turns his back to me again and walks back inside. Leaving me outside alone with a sad heart. I sniff and blink away the forming tears in my eyes and grab my things from my precious spot. My legs move quickly inside, not caring about the judging eyes.

Before I Go ➸ L.HWhere stories live. Discover now