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The mixture of pinks and orange fill my poster, along with hints of blue and black. My brush strokes the paper, making my image more detailed. The beautiful sunset levels out with the dark river and silhouette of a girl.

"Very Impressive Selena" Ms. Winters says, admiring my work.

A smile comes to my face as I watch her eyes scan the painting. The only time I genuinely smile. Art is my favorite class, the only reason I want to come to school. Makes me feel like I can actually express my feelings.

"Thank you" I reply to her and look back to my painting.

I finish up the last few details and begin to clean up my paints and brushes. The bell rings soon and I place my painting away to dry. As I walk towards the door, Ms. Winters stops me.

"Selena I really love how your work has been coming out lately, very detailed" She tells me as we walk down the hallway.

"Thank you so much"

"We're having an art fair here at the school in a few weeks, you should really put in one of your paintings. Watercolors are something I see you like." She explains to me.

"Really me? Yeah I'll think about it" I tell her.

She gives me a soft smile and walks back to her classroom. My smile soon fades when I turn the corner. Luke stands leaning against the lockers with a smirk on his face. He can make my mood change with just a look.

I walk past him and make my way to my locker, I just want to get out of here. I get to my locker to get my books, when a pair of hands cover my eyes. My heart stops for a minute before I realize this can't be another one of Luke's pranks.

"Guess who" The voice speaks.

That all too familiar voice. My eyes are wide open in shock and I turn around, instantly wrapping my arms around him. My big brother. Derek. My face snuggles into his chest and for once I feel safe.

"I missed you so much" I say.

"Missed you too Sel" He chuckles.

I pull back and give him a soft punch in the arm.

"Why haven't you came to visit?" I ask.

"Well I'm here now aren't I?"

I nod and smile. He pulls me into a hug once more and I begin to notice the staring eyes of my peers. I pull back and look down.

"I won't be staying long, you want to leave early today?" He questions.

My eyes scan everyone whispering and I turn back to nod. He grabs my bag from my shoulder and we walk out together. He helps me into the car when we reach the parking lot. We take off and for some reason there's a silence between us. I ignore it and lay my head on the window and stare at the trees and the sky passing.

A few minutes go by and I look over to Derek who's eyes are fixed on the road. A serious look plays on face, Im not sure why. Once again I stay silent rather than saying anything to him. It's what I usually do with everyone, just staying silent.

"We're here" His voice finally speaks as the car stops at an all familiar spot of ours.

An old abandoned park sits in front of the woods held back by a large fence. A fence Derek and I found our way through when we were younger. We've never gotten in trouble for anything really, this is one of the things we keep a secret for that reason.

"Shall we?" He softly smiles at me and I nod.

He leads the way and I slowly follow him to the fence. We find the opening and disappear into the thick trees.

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