Chapter One

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Hello (:
I'd just like to say I wrote this story when I was 11 so it's bad and I'm not just being modest, it's seriously terrible.
I'm trying to correct it so stay with me.

"Self confidence."

"Confi-ew nose hair!" I jumped banging my head on the cabinet door.
"You alright in there?"
I sighed, slowly rubbing my temples.
"Yes mom, just dandy!" I replied.
"Well come on out then, you can't hide in the bathroom forever."    She was right, not that I'd ever admit it. I slamed the cabinet door, incidentally right on my finger causing me to cry out in pain.
"Motherfücker!" I cursed, holding my limp hand.
"LANGUAGE!" My mother shouted.
I now had an intense headache and a slightly purple finger.
Great way to stay off the day.
Cringing as I slowly opened the bathroom door, I entered the small hallway of our newest apartment. This was our 20th-no..25?
I don't really keep track. All I know is that we never stay long enough for me to have friends.
I padded down to our kitchen, the delicious aroma of fresh bread wavered around me, I inhaled letting it sink in.
My mother is the worst cook you'll ever meet.
She's burnt Kraft Dinner, grilled cheese, you name it. That bread smell was coming from the bakery across from us.
"Shea?" I  turned to my mother who had perched herself on the window seat.
"Yeah?" I poured myself a glass of orange juice before sitting down on the island.
"Do me a favor and fetch us a loaf of bread, there's extra money if you want to get coffee or something."
I contemplated going, considering I was in desperate need of coffee.
"Okay, sure." I chugged the rest of my orange juice before reaching forward and grabbed the money off the marble counter. I grabbed my jacket and keys to the apartment, as well as my phone and headphones. Closing the door softly behind me, I then traveled down the long stairs exiting the apartment building.
I quickly jaywalked across the street to a Starbucks nearby.
After grabbing a grande coffee, I sat my butt down on a window seat and plugged my headphones in.

Hayes POV

Nash and I walked down the quiet brick street, we had a beautiful view of the water. 

But as always we are instantly ambushed by fans. I stop to take some photos but quickly exited the wave of people. As we sped away, I tried to find a store that would hold them off. Starbucks caught my eye, so I dashed inside pulling Nash with me. 

Looking around for place to semi hide, I notice a girl sitting near the window, she has her curly black hair pulled back into a ponytail  a few strands falling into her eyes. I felt instantly the need to talk to her. But I'm pulled from my trance by Nash, asking me which drink I want.

"I don't know, get something you'd think I'd like." I answer. "I'll be right back." I walked over to the girl, my palms growing sweaty.
"Sup" I cringed at my own attempt to be cool.
She didn't even turn around.
I looked and see she had headphones in her ear, blocking her from my horrible hello. I reach forward to tap her on the shoulder but she gets up without looking at me, making me step backwards quickly and watch her walk out the door.

Shaeylen POV

The cool breeze makes my teeth chatter as I push open the door out of the Starbucks. I quickly shuffled towards the bakery to pick out a loaf, as I go to pay for the bread I peer at sign asking for a babysitter. I pull out my phone a take a quick photo of the flier.
Grabbing my bread I headed out the door.
As soon as I reached the flight of stairs going up, I pulled out my phone and gave the number a call.
I chatted with the women for a good ten minutes, finding out where she lived and the hours I'd be babysitting for.
I politely said goodbye, hanging up my phone before racing up the 20 flights of stairs.
I threw the loaf onto the counter, and races to find my mom.
"Mom, mama, mother!" I called out a few more, before she answers.
"What do you want Shea?" I could hear the lack of sleep in her voice.
"I'm going to go babysit, like a real job!"
I didn't wait for her answer, I just turn and race for my room.

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