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My favourite time dragon time!

We arrived at the dragon arena and transformed in our regal armour.

The nostalgia.

The good ole' days.

"At least no villains came this year" Travis said flexing his arms

"But we have still Vicky to take care of Travis." Joy said looking at him

Joy is right the teachers always fall for Vicky's fake deeds.

I know they aren't blind......but c'mon!

She's related to a villian how could they believe her over us?!

I looked over to Kayla, Rosetta and Carlos they were admiring their new armour technically their first armours.

I remember when I was like that.

I'm still like that but what can I say........ time flies fast.

'Time waits on no man.'

"Soooo you guys like your armour?" I asked

"YES!!!" they said in unsion.

"Wait until you see the dragons!" I said their eyes started to shine.

They definitely remind me of myself.

Ahhhhhh I love them already.


I can't believe it no villains came this year.

Only three goodie two shoes that are on Rose's team....

I have a plan to get rid of Rose Cinderella and her siblings.

I got the perfect plan and dragon riding is the perfect time to do it.

Especially when I have these two villians to help me.

"Are we ready yet, when are we going to destroy them?!" ??? said

"Yeah Vicky were not getting paid for sitting around." ??? said

"Don't worry our plan starts now" I said to the villains in front of me


We walked over to our dragons I gave mine a bug burger before class started.

"Students were going to have a race from the dragon arena to dragon island" Coach Beast shouted

Kayla, Carlos and Rosetta were starting to bond with their dragons and it's only five minutes.

I took days to bond with my dragon.

Our dragons flew to the starting line but there was a problem Vicky was now where to be found.

Which means......something bad is gonna happen.

"Gooooo" I heard coach beast shouted.

The race began and I was in second place so far Rose was in first place and Rosetta was catching up on me.

We were close to the finish line until two figures on dragons in black cloaks shot a spell at........


ᴇᴅɪᴛ - June 6, 2021


Sorry for the short chapter and taking soooooooo long to update

Rose: Hi!!!

Author: What doing here?!

Rose: I came here by accident I keep on forgetting to turn my key clockwise

Author:*whispers* Who knew the key could break the fourth wall....

Rose: What did you say?

Author: Nothing
               Don't forget to

Rose: Vote,Comment and share with friends

Author: Now I know how others feel when they get interrupted by the characters

Rose: BYE!!!!!!!!!

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