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'I bet he's ignoring you because you're weird'

That's not true...

'It's true. Why do you think he ran away from you that day?
And he's been with Astoria alot...'

Maybe she's helping him with school work

'You're pathetic. I have to disagree with that, little Cinderella.'

I'm not pathetic maybe he can explain!

'But you've been ignoring him too...'

That's true.

'Let's make a deal. How about that?'


What makes you think I would ever make a deal with you?

'Because you have no other choice.'

Before I could say something to that strange voice in my head class was over and now I was heading off to lunch.

This is too much for me.

I think the spell Granny placed on me is wearing off.

From time to time, I would space out because the crazy lady in my head was talking to me.

Aside from that, I've been ignoring Hawk for two weeks or he's been ignoring me. And I can't help but think.....what if he was playing with my feelings?

After running away from me that time, I've seen him with Astoria a lot.

I don't have time to worry about such things its too exhausting for my poor brain.

Maybe I should ask mom to carry me to Earth so I can new buy shoes.

That would be nice.

"Hey Rose! My favourite older sister. Can I steal you for a second?" I turned around to face Carlos panting hard.

"I'm sorry but can it wait? I have to see Granny. It'll be quick I promise!" I told him smiling.

I wonder if the twins did anything to Hawk yet they seem to dislike him.

"I can come with you!" Carlos was begging me at this point and I couldn't refuse.

"But I can't....." I told him instantly regretting it.

He gave me the cutest puppy eyes and I couldn't refuse.

"Alright alright! You can come with me, so please stop giving me the puppy eyes!" I told gripping my bag strap.

These twins are too cute. It would be impossible for anyone to refuse a request from them.

"But remember! This trip to Granny has to be quick because I need you for something important!" Carlos said pointing his index finger at me.

I laughed at him and nodded my head.

While walking to granny's office, Carlos turned to me with a creepy smile on his face.

"So sis...a little birdy told me that you've been avoiding frosted fla- I mean Hawk. Is it true?"

I was kinda surprised when he asked me that because the twins didn't really want any interaction with him after I told them about the incident.

𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘: 𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘Where stories live. Discover now