Chapter 19

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Gabby Kingston

Chaos had erupted throughout the agency as phone signals around London became inactive and every camera in the city shut down completely.

"I want every single one of you on tech to find out why this signal has gone down!" Roared Rodriguez.

However, in the midst of the storm, I had found something. Just before the signal went down, I had received a phone call from Steve, Amber's driver. At first I thought it was another date request and ignored it, but he kept calling. I answered it to find out Amber had called him an hour in advance to be picked up from Rose's house. As he pulled up, he saw a young woman dragging her into the back of a car and decided to follow, stopping outside a multi-storey car park in Central London. He sent me the address and the signal went down less than two minutes later. 

"Rodriguez!" I called. The Director turned, red in the face. "Agent Knight is in trouble and I need some agents to help me find her.

"I'm busy, Kingston. I need every agent here."

"But this is serious, sir. She's missing."

"She's looking for attention since she lost her job. Do yours."

I frowned. Amber was not like that. I took a breath to calm down. "Sir, please. I just need a couple of agents to make sure she is alri--"

"Just do your job!" The Director took a swift step forwards. "You are a secretary -- not a real agent. Now, get on that computer, keep your mouth shut and get to work."

It hurt. It really did. But the thought of what could happen to Amber hurt even more. I took a moment to breathe, recompose myself to save face for the Director. "I'll do what's best," I said. The Director's face softened as he took a short breath.


He turned away and started yelling at someone else. I checked my phone once more: there was still no signal. The only people that could help me were Collins, Scotty and Davis but I could not contact them. I spotted Agent Nicholson -- an old friend of Amber's, as I recalled -- close to Rodriguez and debated asking him for a split second but the Director had him running around the whole building. He would be unable to spare even a minute. I shoved the phone into the pocked of my jacket and pulled it on, logging off the computer before storming towards the elevator.

"I'll do what's best," I muttered as I entered. The doors closed as I turned to cast my eyes over the tumultuous office. I would do what was best. Till the day I took my last breath, I would always do what was best, no matter who disagreed.

Amber Knight

My breath caught in my throat as he emerged from the dark. He was just as a remembered him: stern countenance, long coat and cold eyes that chilled every bone in my body as I looked at them. All that had changed was his greying hair but it was how I had imagined him to look nowadays; how he appeared as a parasite in the dreams that robbed me of sleep for so many nights.

After years in the dark, Marcus Knight stepped into the light for everyone to see.

Doctor Arnold glanced at his watch. "You're late."

"I apologise," he replied. His voice was cold and gravelly. That sharp, icy stare fell upon me, sending a shiver down my spine. Old feelings were returning; old fears, old anxieties.

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