I saw from corner of my eye that Matt shrugged like it was nothing. Nothing?! "Those were the days. I barely even remembered that." Matt brought his stare back at me. "Did you hold any grudge against me for that?"

Yes! Yes! I freaking do. It was even amazing how I could still breathe sitting right next to you. "No. God, if Ryan didn't mention it, I wouldn't have remembered at all." I managed to say then giggled. God, how did that lie even slip through my teeth? I'm taking my lying skills to the next level.

"Y'know to commemorate this reconciliation day, I say you and Gracie dance to a song." James recommended. No we're not reconciling and no we are so not dancing together!

"Sure," I heard Matt speaking. "Wanna dance with me?" Matt flashed me his smile. The kind of smile I've seen before but not at me. What is this. He held out his hand. I gave him my warm, definitely fake, smile. I reached up to his hand and OMG, could I go die now? I couldn't even describe what I was feeling at the moment. All those years of hostility towards each other, this was the very first time Matt and I made a physical contact. And I did not like this feeling at all.

We were on the dance floor while the DJ was playing a song that was very popular back in high school. Iris by Goo goo dolls. Wow I missed 80's songs. Suddenly I felt a touch on my waist and that startled me.

"Relax. It's not like I'm eating you up at this dance floor." Matt chuckled as he held my hand with his other hand. We started dancing to the song. "I know you were lying back there."

"Hmmm?" Could he stop this pep talk thing whatever? I just wanted to this song to be over and done with. I wasn't really in any mood to talk about anything. Not with you, exactly.

"When you said you got over with those incidents we had in high school. That you hardly remembered it. I could see how you are so uncomfortable right now. You'd rather be anywhere but here with me."

"Yeah. Well those incidents weren't really anything forgettable either." I snapped at him.

"Now that's more like it. Your irritating looks at me is lot more like you in high school." He chuckled again. "Look, for what it's worth. I'm sorry. We were young and boys were assholes. That's a fact. I've grown up and even though I still don't like people like you, I wouldn't really do anything like trip you over or something."

"Well you watch out 'cause I might exactly do that exact same thing. 'Quarterback Matt Watson falls on his knees before Grace Stewart at the 10year high school reunion'. The revenge of the century." I have gave him a warm smile. Genuine this time, for what reason I had no clue.

Matt flashed me that smile again. "No, but seriously I really am sorry. I should never have done that especially you being a girl and all."

"Naah, those were in the past. I don't linger around the past. I'm not that kind of person."

A few seconds of silence. "So how are you doing?" He asked just to break the silence, I guess.

Well I am now the CEO of a company! "I run my family's business now." Gosh, what's up with that. I should not show humility to this person.

"Oh yeah? Your father has retired and turned the business to you?"

I winced as the memory came back in when he said that. "My... my parents died in a car crash 5 years ago."

"Oh I'm sorry. That's right. I remember seeing that all over the news. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean..." I could see in his eyes how guilty he was. He was frowning as if gathering his thoughts to say something better. He couldn't.

"It's okay. No offense taken. I'm so sure the last thing on your mind right now is think about what is up with Stewart family." I smiled at him. "So how's it going with you?"

"Same old shit. I'm working as a marketing associate."

"Sound nice."

He grimly smiled at me. "Not really when I hated working every single moment there and I actually do have MBA in my hand."

"Oh." I didn't know what to say when I actually wasn't having any problems in my so called stable and luxurious life. We danced together in silence. My eyes were all over the hall but him. For some reason despite this pep talk easing me up a little with him, I still found him a little uncomfortable to be with. I didn't look at him but whenever I found my gaze lingering his, I saw that his focus was all on me. He looked at me like I was the only woman on this floor right now. And before I knew it the song was over.

I let my left hand that was on his right shoulder dropped down. "That was a nice dance. Thank you." I started going back to the table even though for some reason I didn't wanna go back there. What?

Matt's hand that had been holding my other hand the entire time moved and suddenly I found it interwined with mine in a not-so-used-to-be-mortal-enemy way. I was avoiding his stare at me, I just knew he was, and so my eyes were focused on our interlaced fingers. I had the feeling our night hadn't ended yet.

"Come have drinks with me."


I didn't exactly know what happened but the next thing I was aware of, I was seating next to Matt at the bar section of the hall. I wanted to decline his offer of getting drinks at first but when I checked the table out, no one was there. Not even Steve! How dare he.

"I hope the dance kinda lifted the awkward atmosphere between us for the last decade."

I nervously smiled at him. "Definitely, Matt, I am not that awkward with you" LIE. Big fat lie. "Maybe you are."

He shrugged. "Not if that woman is as beautiful as you. Looks like you didn't age much." He lifted his glass to his lips.

"Did you just seriously flirt with me?" I smiled at him. Hearing that I was beautiful from someone who hated me so much was kinda like something I'd never expect..

He gave me a rich laugh. "I am sorry. I forgot we were still in that truce zone."

"So tell me more about yourself. How are your parents? You have never left the city at all?"

His smile suddenly disappeared from his face. Uh oh. I knew I touched a sensitive issue. "My mom was eventually sent to the mental institution. Even back in high school I would notice her strange behaviour and I decided that she really needed some help. She's been there for 7 years now. Sadly I see no improvement. As for my dad.. My dad is still usual drunk bastard I loathed all my life."

"Oh. Oh" Shame washed through my face. I remember back in high school stories from people that Matt didn't exactly come from an ideal family. "I am really sorry, Matt. I...."

Matt touched my shoulder. And for some reason, some unknown electricity went down my arm. What? "Hey, hey it's okay. I'm so sure the last thing on your mind right now is think about what is up with Watson family." he smiled at me, giving me my words back at him earlier.

I smiled at him back. "For some reason, we bring out the worst topics for both of us tonight."

"Do we now? Uhm, So, hey....." His voice had muffled along with the rest of the world's as I noticed the magazine that had been on the table next to my left arm. I laid my eyes on that magazine and there it was... again.... Him and her... Happy faces plastered all over the magazine. I closed my eyes as I suddenly couldn't find my air.

The moment I opened my eyes, I should have known Steve was right. I was never cured. I should have listened to him and ask him to find me a new shrink. I looked into Matt's eyes who was still animately talking about something I couldn't care less and said, "Hey, do you want to get married?"

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