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I was carving for her lips now and i wanted to taste them all over again. She had me wrapped around her finger and I was becoming like others lovesick boys that I always detested. Love makes you weak and I didn't want that to happen to me.
I was sure that this what I am feeling is just an attraction and nothing more. She is different and that is why I want her, she is unique not like other girls who would do everything to get my attention. She didn't even notices me.
Is it because she has a boyfriend?
No it can't be possible. She never mentioned about it. Why should she tell you about her life Jungkook? She doesn't want to speak to you, she doesn't want your company the only thing she does is avoiding you.
Even if she  has a boyfriend I will do everything to get between that and once that I have her I won't let her go.
I should ask Tae he knows her very well.
"Hey Tae where are you?"
" what's up  Jungkook. I am fine thanks for asking"
"Stop with your irony and just tell mewhere are you."
"Come over at my house. I am calling the boys to come too and maybe we can have a little party."
"Ok I'll be there."
I started the engine quickly, I had to get first because I have some questions about my babygirl and I don't want other boys to know about her because they would tease me.
When the Tae's house came into view I was glad that other cars weren't parked there that meant he was alone. I was at the front door knocking when I heard some voices coming from the inside. Tae opened the door surprised.
"I didn't expect you here so soon" he said half smiling.
"I can leave and come back later" I said winking. I understood that he had some girl's company and I didn't want to disturb them.
"Of course no. Come in." He said opening the door widely.
I was stunned seeing her there. What was she doing in Tae's house? Was she interested in him? Or was he her boyfriend? No It cant be true.
I was feeling possessive about her and I didn't like to see her near other mens.
She was sitting there in the couch holding her bag in her hands and looked up shyly. I could see the rose that was coloring her face. I smiled knowing that she was remembering yesterday's meeting we had.
"I didn't know you had company Tae." I said looking at her while she had lowered her head and was playing nervously with her bag's zipper.
"Joy has just arrived. I called her to discuss about a project." Explained he.
"Sit Jungkook. Why are you acting like this is your first time in my house? You have been here a thousand times." He said looking at me with a grin in his face. I was dumbstruck by her and here I was making a fool of myself.
"Anyway I am bringing something to drink. Make yourself home you two" Tae said teasing us.
I sat at the same couch as her but maintaining some distance between us. She went to the farthest corner of the couch distancing herself. You can't run from me my sweetie.
"So what are you doing here?" I asked looking at her  lowered face.
"That's none of your problems." She asked with an angry tone.
"Yes it is. When it comes to you everything about you is my problem."
"Why? Why are interested in me?"
"Because you are unique strong and  a little harsh with me but I will change that." I said winking at her.
"I am not an object that you want and you can have it. Don't expect me to be like other girls who would summon to you and do everything to please you. Why don't you leave me alone? Why don't you go to them who want your attention?"
"I don't want anyone's attention I want yours. And I am where I want to be so don't worry about me."
"Stop messing with me" she said getting up from the couch.
"And you stop messing with my feelings."
She send me a glare and left in the direction of the kitchen where Tae was. I went after her so they wouldn't be alone. I know I was acting possessive but I wanted to make sure they won't do anything more. I was stupid for thinking something like that but I couldn't control my jealousy.
"I am leaving Tae, we could discuss about it another time." I heard her speaking in soft voice that I loved which she never used with me.
"Joy come on, stay a little more. We hadn't had the opportunity to meet up for a long time. I missed hanging out with you." Tae said smiling.
"I really have to go. I have..."
"Stop making excuses." He interrupted her.
"Later we are gathering at my house and some of our common friends will be here too."
"You know that I am not party type so I am passing this time."
"No Joy you are staying and its not even a party. Just some drinks and  funny games. No need to feel shy you know most of my friends and also there will Jessie."
"Okay I am staying for a while" she said half smiling.
I returned to the couch and sat there pretending like I didn't heard their conversation.
"Jungkook I am going to buy some things about tonight's party. Don't let Joy get bored. I will be back soon"
I was glad he left. Now we were alone and I could tease her without anyone intervening.
She sat at the chair opposite me and glued her eyes at the TV. And I was looking at her beautiful face, my gaze stopped at her tasty lips.
"What about another taste?" I asked her.
She looked at me confused. "What are you speaking about?"
"Another taste if your lips. I want that cherry taste again."
"Look don't get your hopes high. It was jus a brush may I add an meaningless brush to me."
"No baby it wasn't a brush it was a peck, a really good one."
"In your imagination maybe." She answered looking away.
"In my imagination you are the mother of my three kids honey." I said smiling and teasing her. Her cheeks were a dark red now.
"Your imagination is the only place where this can be possible so keep dreaming." She said.
"I make my dreams come true but for the time being I will keep dreaming about you love." I said looking at her.
She became quiet and started typing nervously in her phone.
Unexpectedly a recording started playing. It was she singing with her sweet voice. She was hurrying to close it but it seemed that her phone had its own mind and continued playing. Her hands were trembling and she couldn't turn it off. I wanted to her more of my favorite melody so without her noticing me I raised and snatched the phone from her.
"Give it to me."she said yelling.
Being taller that her gave me advantage and she couldn't catch my hand that held her phone. She was jumping but was useless.
I was enjoying this so much.
I stopped and so did she. Closing the distance between us I leaned over and she started walking back till she was trapped between the wall and my body.
"So do you want your phone or not?"

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