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"Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening."
― Greta Garbo


"I don't know why we learn all this formulas when they will never be useful. I feel like my brain is going to explode anytime soon" complained Erin after two tiring hours of lecture in math. 

"Will all these formulas help us save the world?" I said in a serious tone and that was enough for girls to start laughing.  What we had was an amazing friendship, we have known each other for about five months but it felt like we  were friends for fifty years. I like to pass time with them, they were the best part of university and I was thankful for getting to know them.

Mostly we spend our time together laughing and speaking about different things, I was myself with them and I know for sure that they won't judge me never. Spending time with them made me forgot about him too.

I don't know what these weird feelings were but I know that it wasn't jus a crush it was more than that. He was the only one who made my heart flutter. I am afraid that this time my mind will lose  the battle against the heart. I can control my feeling very well or better I can say that I used to because now my feelings were overtaking my rational reasoning. 

I was so bored and nothing was getting in my brain. I didn't understand nothing in this complicated math. I turned my head unconsciously and I came face to face with one of my classmates. He was watching me and when I saw him he winked at me. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting weird. He had been looking me all the time. OMG I was freaking. It wasn't the first time that I caught him staring but I thought was okay, we were in the same class and he hadn't bad intentions but now I was doubting myself.

"Girls Kwan was looking at me during the lesson and he even winked at me" I said with concern.

"What??  Girl he likes you. He is cute and you would make a beautiful couple" said Noelle teasing me. . I know she was joking me but I was worried now.

"I am going to kill you." I threatened her. "I hate him. he is so arrogant and full of himself"

"between love and hate is only a thick line" she continued.

"you should tell him not to look like that at you, you should show him his place" added Inna seriously.

"I don't even like him as a friend or even more love him."i assured them.

"so who is the guy you have been thinking about this past week?" asked Hannah.

"NO ONE! Will you all leave me alone ? I am tired of all this" I said pretending to be angry.

"Calm down Joy. We better grab some lunch before Joy gets mad. And we know very well what is she capable of  doing when she is hungry" Noelle said

I couldn't stay angry at them. They were the reason of my happy moments and made my day at school least boring. I started laughing loudly , that made some students who were in the hallway turn their heads at me but I really didn't mind . I am myself all the time and the other people's opinion doesn't matter to me, in the end they always judge so why should I worry?

I turned my head to say something but my mind went blank, here was he looking at me  amazed and  with a grin in his face. I forgot what I was saying. He had this ability to make me speechless and lose control. A blush crept in my face and I was no longer laughing. He saw me like that, and now I was making a fool of myself. 'Joy since when matters to you what others think and more especially what he thinks?' I scolded myself.


I loved this melody, her voice was in my mind all the time, and today I can consider it my lucky day for two reasons: one I got to know her name, Joy which fits her completely because she has brought joy and rays of sunshine in my life since that fateful day that I met her, and two because I heard her laughing. Not like other times when I have seen her , today she was happy,carefree  and having fun with her friends.Her smile was the most beautiful thing that I have seen in my life. Her beautiful eyes were shining and her voice was soft and sweet like that day when she was singing.Why had she to be so stern and harsh with me? 

I decided to hang out with boys today because my mood was brighter now that I saw her.

"hey Taehyung where are you?" 

"We are at the usual bar "

"Wait for me I am coming" I said cheerfully.
"You sound so happy. Are you sick or something?" He joked.
He was right I would never express my feelings so easily. I keep everything inside and never show my emotions to others even my friends. They could never understand me and my complicated heart.
Maybe I am really sick, sick for her attention. And she was the only medicine that could cure me.
But nobody has to know that because I feel weak if others knew my feelings and this was the last thing that I wanted people to think about me. I was strong  and cold in front of everyone. No one has to know the real hurricane that is happening inside my battered soul. 
"Maybe I am sick,I don't know but a virus has gotten inside my body" I said smiling.
"Definitely you need to see a doctor, a psychologist would be better" he suggested and in the back I heard the  boys laughing.
" I am coming now and be ready to face the consequences about what you said" I faked an angry tone.
I hung up the phone and went towards the parking lot.
I was smiling like a fool but she was the reason. Joy was the drug that was injected into my blood and I couldn't live if I didn't get another dose of her.

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