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"Noelle come on let's go home. I am so tired now and I just want to ho home and take a shower. Its so hot" I said grabbing my bag. We had a habit of staying after the lessons every day and we talk and eat lunch together. It was our routine and the time just flew up when we were having fun like always.
We said goodbye to Hannah and Inna and headed to the bus station. We were waiting for the bus to come when a car "stretched" to our feet making me scream loudly.
"Are you blind? How gives the driving licence to mental sick people like you?" I was shouting now.
The car left with the speed of light and I was very angry now.
"Calm down Joy, look the bus is here so lets get on" said Noelle.
We got on the bus and we were glad that we found a place to sit because the bus was always full. We were engrossed in our conversation obvious to others in the bus. It was when we stopped for a moment when we heard two boys talking. I couldn't forget his voice. I knew immediately who was the owner of that angelic voice but I kept looking at my phone in my hands so I could be a little distracted and not look straight in his beautiful eyes.


"Suga where were you? I have been waiting here for 1 hour." I was really pissed off now. I don't like to wait others nor let others wait me. I was very angry with him, he knew perfectly well that waiting was what I loathed the most and here he was late again.
"Come on man don't exaggerate. I am only 20 minutes late." He said with a grin in his face.
"Shut up and get on the car, I don't have time for your stupid excuses." I responded sternly.
We were passing to the bus station when I saw her and I restrained the car making the tires burn from the force .She was shouting to me and calling every curse that came inter her mind to me but I was freezed watching her. I was glad that she didn't recognized me.
It was the voice of Suga that brought to my senses.
"What's wrong with you Jungkook? Why did you frneive like that? And most important why are you looking at that girl?"
Without saying anything I started the engine and left quickly. A plan was on my mind and I will complete it. As soon as I found a parking space I parked the car.
"Why did you stop here?" Asked Suga curiously.
"Stop making questions and get off the car." I ordered him.
I started walking and Suga didn't have other choice than following me. He was talking and questioning me but I was ignoring him. We got in the bus. I was really crazy about her, look at me this was the second time chasing her in the bus.
The bus was crowded and I was searching with my eyes for her. There she was sitting with another girl. They were talking and smiling, were engrossed in their discussion obvious of anyone in the bus.
"Suga stay with me and just follow my lead , don't say anything else. Okay?" I warned him.
"What is happening Jungkook? I am not understanding anything"
"Just do as I said and shut up now" I said impatiently, I wanted to go to her as soon as possible and start my plan.
We were now near them but they didn't even notice us.
"It's very hot in here" I herd her saying.
"Yeah very hot " I said looking at her. It looked like she recognised me and went still but she didn't react.
"Don't you think the same Suga?" I continued.
Her friend continued speaking but my angel was distracted by my presence.
"You know what Suga? I am carving an ice cream with chocolate now." I said to him but with my eyes concentrated at her.
"Ice cream? You even don't like chocolate." Suga said confused. I am soo going to kill you Suga.
"I used not to, but since last week it is my favorite."
"Joy are you listening to me?" Asked her friend. I know that I had affected her and she was feeling uncomfortable with my presence but I liked to see her like that not powerful and stern.
She came to her senses and answered to her friend in a low voice.
"Yes you can't seem to be concentrated at our talk Suga" I was making it look like I was talking to him but only me and her knew the real meaning behind my words.
Suga was looking at me with a confused look and I sent him a glare so he wouldn't mess up again.

What was he doing again in the bus? Was he following me? Now he wasn't alone but with another boy.
"Are you listening to me Joy? You seem unfazed." Noelle asked me.
" I am fine just a little bit tired."I lied.
I was feeling very uncomfortable with him in front of me.
He was teasing me mentioning the ice cream. Why this bus was taking soo long to get to the station?


"I am not feeling well Suga. I am feeling terrible" I faked.
He was confused but I winked at him so he would paly the same game as me. That got the girl's attention and they were looking at me. Joy's friend raised from her seat and offering me to sit there.
"Sit here if you want" she said. And that's what I wanted. I sat without saying anything and her sweet perfume filled the air.
She was looking out of the window. She looked so amazing with her hairs all over her face.
It was my lucky day because the bus stopped harshly and I was almost falling all over her. My hand come in contact with her hand which was on her lap and she was just like I had imagined, very soft. She stilled but didn't said anything. I was so close to her now and my leg was brushing hers during the ride. I was getting aroused jut by a little touch of her, imagine kissing her, I am sure it will be wonderful. I was looking at her pink kissable lips now and thinking of tasting them.
I haven't noticed that she now was on her feet and was waiting for me to stand up so she could leave. The bus stopped and her hand unconsciously went to my chest, for support. She quickly retrieved her hand and went towards the exit.
I felt so empty now that she was no more sitting beside me. Suga came and sat where she was, I couldn't continue sitting there alone.
"So who was she? She has you wrapped around her little finger."
"I am not in mood to deal with you Suga."
"Yeah you are out of your mind. I can't wait to tell the boys about this."
"You better shut up Suga" I warned him.
I was returning to my car now with a big smile in my face. I couldn't stop thinking about my shy girl. I cant wait to meet up her again tomorrow.
Be prepared my babygirl bacause the game has only started.

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