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Again today I was thinking about her. Her beautiful green eyes in which I lost for hours. she wasn't the type of girl who would attract attention but once you look carefully at her , you see the real beauty that she is. Since that day, she has been in my mind the whole time. I was never attracted to any other girl  like that. of course I had my flings but just that , flings that never lasted more than some months. All knew me as a playboy and they were right. I didn't believe in love and I thought it was absurd to expect love when you can get pleasure instead. 

since that day when she poured ice cream all over my blouse she has been dominating my mind and I would say even a little my heart. That blouse was now my favorite. I was never that type of guy to think a lot about a girl. it as the other way around. Always girls throw their self to me and of course I couldn't refuse them ,could I?

She was different. she didn't melt under my gaze like other girls. she was a fierce one and I liked challenges. I wanted to make her mine, and I promise when I see her again I will make her fall for me . that if I was lucky to see her again. what worried me more was the fact that where I could find her. 

For the past week I walked at the same street that I saw her a couple times or a couple of hundred times to be correct. she was in my blood like a drug that I couldn't take out of my system. 

Tonight I was hanging out with my friends at the club but I was not in mood to dance or flirt with any girl, I was drinking lost in my thought ad my memories , the only places where I could catch a glimpse of her.

"guys I am leaving for tonight" I said and started getting up.

"what? you are leaving so early and without a girl by your side?" asked Taehyung surprised.

"yes. I am not in the right mood today and beside that I have school tomorrow"

"since when  are you concerned about school? wow that's new! Are you having fever or something hit you in the head?" said J Hope. And the guys started laughing.

" I am not feeling well okay? that all" I said a angrily and left.

It was her fault. With just one look at her and I was out of my mind. Tomorrow I will go to university so I can be distracted somehow. And I need to know more girls so she can't control my thoughts anymore.


I was in school  walking in  the hallway of course with my head held up high, like always and I could see girls trying to flirt with me or trying to get my attention , but that was very unlikely to happen. I ignored them and continued walking when somebody pushed past me and was walking very fast. why were people bumping into me lately?

I raised my head and I saw someone familiar. No, can't be her! I decided to follow her ,but she was walking very fast. I needed to be sure that was her and if it was true I was not letting her go very easy this time.  I went to the school park but I didn't see her.  I was searching with my eyes everywhere for her but it looked like she was nowhere to be seen. where did she go ? was she a fairy that only I could see? 

I decided to leave but a beautiful sound made me stop in my track. I followed the sound and there she was, sitting under a tree and singing with her angelic voice. I felt out of this world. I started moving forward her but she noticed me and turned around and I quickly hid after a bush. I wanted to hear again sing with her beautiful voice but she stopped. she got her bag and left. I was fascinated.She had the most beautiful voice that I have ever heard. And I knew something for sure that her voice was the melody that I wanted to hear till my last breath.

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