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"Congrats, you've reached the last parts of the tape. I am gonna be honest these last few ones are gonna be the hardest to record so forgive me if I burst into sobs in the middle of some of these tapes. You might want to stay in a peaceful and silent place for this tape just to make you loosen up a little and also because this next place is memorable to some of you. So go ahead and head to the nearest Lake. The place where two of my best friends found love. Before I start with all this let's go back to when I first met Zack Kwan, believe it or not I met him first than Tomika and he was one of my first best friends explaining why I have such a strong bond with him."

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

I was in the playground with my brother when I saw a boy with black hair alone on the swings. He seemed so sad so being me I went near him.

"Hi! Are you okay? You seem sad." I asked him while holding on to my doll.

"I'm okay." He whispered.

"You are not. Why are you sad?" I asked sitting on the swing beside him.

"I have no friends. Me and my brother just moved here but he already has friends." He answered while kicking the sand.

"I could be your friend. My mom said if I see anyone without friends I should be friends with them and you seem kind and fun to be with. Actually you can think of me as your sister but from different parents. Just don't tell my real brother." I said to him with a huge smile and whispering the last part.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yes. I am Summer Hathaway and I am five. How about you?" I said offering my hand.

"I am Zack Kwan. I am also five." He said with a smile.

"Now stand up I'll bring you to my brother and you can play with us." I said while dragging him to where my brother was playing.

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

"Every time I think of that day, all I can do is be thankful to God that I saw that little boy by the swing set alone. If I didn't see him I wonder how my life would be now. Would fate find a way to make me friends with Zack or would he be with other people. He was like my second brother. Him and my brother always made sure I was well and happy. They were always there for me and I would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for them." 

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

"Hey Summer." Zack said sitting on the empty seat beside me.

"Oh hey Zack." I answered looking up from my notebook.

"Are you busy?" He asked seeing all the papers and pens on the table.

"Nah. Just finalizing the band's schedule. Why?" I asked as he looked around the quad.

"Well you know how we ask each other favors and we try our best to do them?" He asked me suspiciously.

"Oh no, Zack, what did you do now?"  I asked scared of what he was gonna tell me.

"I didn't do anything it's what I am gonna do." He said shyly.

"Okay. Spill." I said looking back at the papers on the table.

"So like I like like Tomika." He said and before I could shout he covered my mouth with his hands. "Shhh don't interrupt. Anyway, I wanna ask her out but I don't know when, where and how." He said nervously and uncovered my mouth. "So will you help me?" He asked trying to give puppy dog eyes.

"First of all, I am so happy. My two best friends dating that's so exciting. Second, please stop and promise never to do the puppy dog eyes. You suck at it. Lastly, I'd be glad to help. Anything for you."  I answered while bouncing out of joy.

"Thanks sis, you're the best." He said and hugged me.

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

"Exactly the week after that, Zack and Tomika went out to the lake. Where I was hiding for Zack's surprise. He asked her to be his girlfriend. I was very happy for both of them. True genuine happiness. Little did I know that this relationship of theirs will make my relationship with both my best friends grow apart. At first, I understood why they weren't hanging out with me. It was because they were new to dating and they needed quality time with each other. Months passed and they still spent lots of time together. I didn't know that bringing them together would cost my quality time with my best friends. I was okay with it and just understood them but what I can't understand was why Zack seemed to be avoiding me when I would try to talk to him."

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

"Zack!" I said when I saw him in the quad. "Hey wait up!" I said as he hurriedly packed his things and stood up.

"Hey wait." I said and ran to him. "What did I do?" I asked out of breath as I stood in front of him.

"Nothing I just need to get home now." Zack said while looking everywhere but at me.

"Really? I know you're lying Zack. This has been going on for weeks now. You running away or hiding every time I am around. You don't think I don't notice but I do Zack and its frustrating because I don't even know what I did wrong." I said while tears were slowly falling.

"I am sorry but I have to do this. If not Tomika would never forgive me. I am sorry." He said and ran away leaving me with so much unanswered questions.

⚛ ⚛ ⚛

"Until now Zack tries his best to avoid me because of something Tomika told him. I feel hurt Zack. You chose to listen to someone you have been dating for a few months than someone who thought of you as family for years. To be honest without me you wouldn't even be with Tomika because you didn't know what to do and I was the only one who helped you. If I knew that this would've been the price of helping you then maybe I should have given it a second thought. It's sad how you could replace years and years of friendship with someone for something your girlfriend of a few months  told you. I expected so much more from you Zack. Yet here I am disappointed again. Slowly realizing that I should have never trusted people because they never seem to be who they claim they are. They will just hurt you and break your trust in the end. I know a lot of you are still left confused about what Tomika told him but don't worry you'll find out in the next tape, Tomika's tape."


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