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"Is anyone hungry? Because the next place is a Diner. The Downtown Diner. Lauren, does the name ring a bell? If not let me remind you. This is the diner you go to everyday after class or shall I say after you abuse me. Lauren you are the reason why I always ask myself 'what am I doing here?' you are also the reason why I went back to cutting. It all started the week after the Khloe incident..."

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I was just busy keeping all my books since classes were over until someone pushed me aginst my locker.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked whoever pushed me.

"Nothing. I just felt like doing that." A girl with red hair answered.

"Well that wasn't very nice." I told her rubbing my back from the impact. I think I'm gonna get a bruise from this.

"Who said I wanted to be nice?" She asked me raising an eyebrow at me and walking away.

"Hey! Come back here. My back actually hurts from what you just did." I shouted at her.


"I should at least get an apology." I said as I watched her go closer to me.

"You're right. I am sorry... For doing this." and she punched my face. "Actually I am not sorry."

"What did I ever do to you? I don't even know you." I asked her. My vision was getting blurry and my head was starting to get dizzy because of her punch.

"For starters, you're too pretty. That punch fixed tat problem. And I'm Lauren. Now you know me, bitch." She said and walked away.

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"That marked the start of Lauren abusing me. At first I thought she would just forget about me but days and days passed, she kept going to my locker punching me or slapping me or pushing me against lockers/ Basically any way that she could think of to hurt me. I would always ask her why she was doing this and all she would ever reply was 'I don't know. I just feel like it and you seem like a perfect target.' I know, stupid, but it didn't stop her from hurting me physically."

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"Oh my God, Summer, what happened to your eyes?" Zack asked when I got to the table.

"Oh this? It's nothing, I was just reading a book while walking and I didn't notice that there was an open locker in front of me so I hit it and now I have a bruised eye." I said adding a nervous chuckle in the end.

"Be careful next time. I didn't know you were so clumsy." Tomika said while laughing.

"Yup. I'll keep that in mind." I said and started eating.

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"You guys literally do not know how many times I had to come up with lies for the random bruises or scratches they see on my face or body. It was very hard to lie to my friends but I had to do it. I didn't want to cause any drama. One day, I was at my locker, afraid, because I know anytime soon Lauren would arrive to hurt me in some way but, she didn't. I was very happy because I thought that she has finally stopped but, I was wrong because she found another way to bully me."

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"Summer, I've realized that abusing you is dangerous. Especially to my image because I could easily be caught by a teacher or someone so instead I'm gonna make your life a living hell through a different way." She said as she slammed my locker shut.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Let me start by telling you, your ass is too huge that wherever you go you hit something. Plus your stomach, ew, how many pizzas did you eat today. You are literally the definition of a gross person and I think you should stop eating because that would help you a lot."

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"Her new form of bullying was way worse than getting abused. I know what she said wasn't true but for some reasons, I believed her. I didn't eat anything for a whole week heck, I even lessened my water intake because I was scared I would look bloated. Everyday she would find a way to make me feel bad about myself and this led me to cutting, again. She was a smart person for she found a way to abuse me without even touching me. I lost a lot of weight. People noticed. My parents thought I needed help so they sent me to a doctor. They had my brother monitor me closely at school to make sure I ate proper meals. I became healthy again and Lauren stopped her bullying. For what reason, I don't know but, I am glad she stopped. But, until now it remains unknown to me and everyone why Lauren would bully me but, I guess only Lauren will ever know the reason why."

F R E D D Y ' S P . O . V

I walked into the Downtown Diner and saw the person that might have one of the greatest impacts of all this, Lauren. She was sitting all alone in a corner booth so I decided to go near her.

"Listen, I" I cut off whatever she wanted to tell me.

"Why? I just want to know why would you ever do that to Summer? She was nothing but kind and sweet to everyone. She didn't deserve what you did." I asked her desperately wanting to get answers from her.

"Exactly! She is so kid and sweet to everyone. She is just too perfect in everyone's eyes. Everyone thought that she was perfect and the only way I could break that perfect image that she had was to break her and make her miserable." She explained to me.

"And how did that work out for you?" I asked her.

"Really well actually. Now she is gone people think she's attention seeking and she isn't perfect to everyone's eyes anymore." She answered casually.

"Are you serious? Summer is somewhere out there o the verge of dying and all you ever care about is how well your plan went?" at this point my hands were balled up in fists already. I was mad very very mad.

"Yup and by the way, I wouldn't waste my time on her anymore it'll just take you nowhere. Bye." She said and stood up to leave.

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