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"Now for you're next clue, look for a place near school that has trees and probably lots of kids lining up near an Ice cream truck with their mothers talking to each other about how amazing their kids are. If you still don't know what I am talking about then I'll make it easy for you, go to the park five blocks away from school. That was the place where I first met Brian..."

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After the confession of Jayce I decided to skip school and go to the park. I know shocking right? Summer Hathaway skipping class. That doesn't sound right. I needed to think and the park seemed to be the only place where I could do just that.

I got to the park and decided to sit on a bench. I was just thinking of what happened the past few days until I felt someone sit beside me.

"Hey. I am so sorry I sat here I just couldn't find any other place to stay." Said the guy who was wearing make up. He kinda reminds me of James Charles. "I can just leave if you want me to." He continued.

"No its okay." I politely replied.

"You seem like my age. Why are you out here? Aren't you supposed to be in school? Unless you're here on a vacation or something. Oh my God I am being annoying I am so sorry." He said embarrassed.

"It's okay. And yes I am supposed to be in school but I needed to clear my mind." I told him.

"Oh. Well my family just moved here today so that's why I am here. I know you didn't ask but I just wanted to let you know." He said with a warm smile. "I am Brian by the way."

"My name is Summer." I told him.

"So do you wanna share what happened?" He asked.

"I am not really sure. I don't even know you." I said unsure.

"Exactly! They said its best to share your problems with a stranger because they can't judge." He tried to persuade me.

"Okay fine..."

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"So I told Brian everything I was going through at that time. It felt good because I knew he wouldn't tell anyone and if he did it's okay because no one that I know, knows him. But little did I know I was making a huge mistake."

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"Where do you go to school? Cuz I go to William B. Travis Prep." He said and my life just turned. From not caring that he knows to regret. With me telling him EVERYTHING it could easily just be spread to the whole school but maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Oh really? I go there too. Speaking of, I should probably head back to school now. Bye!" I said and hurriedly left.

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"The following weeks were normal. Me and Brian were closer than ever. He became one of my close friends. We would talk a lot after school and just share each other's secrets."

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"Summer! You wouldn't believe what just happened." He ran to me shouting.

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