D- I was out getting the mail and there was one for you and I opened it.

J- And...

D- You've been invited to Playlist 2015!

J- Oh my gosh!

*The boys give me weird looks*

D- I'm so proud of you.

J- Thanks dad. I love you.

D- I love you too Jen, we all miss you at home.

J- Tell them I miss y'all too.

D- Ok bye.

J- Bye!

-End Of Convo-

"What was all that about?" Shawn ask me. I take off my converse and slip on my bowling shoes.

"Guess what." I say to them.

"What?" They all ask in unison.

"I have been invited to Playlist 2015!" I squeal and we all go to the three lanes we chose.

They all hug and congratulate me. I smile.

"Good job princess." Shawn wraps his long arm around me.

"Why thank you." I say and it's my turn to bowl. Of course me being suckish at bowling, my bowling ball goes into the gutter, twice.

We get done bowling and decide to eat there too. They actually have pretty good food.

"We should all do another video together!" Matt says as we walk back to the hotel.

"Yeah but what video?" I ask and skate a little faster.

"We can do a ask Magcon part two." Cameron says and we all agree. Finally after talking for about ten minutes, we make it back to the hotel. Shawn and I go back to our room while the others set up.

"Nash!" I hear Kayla yell.

"Ooooh sounds like their getting it on in." I whisper to Shawn which makes him chuckle. I change into leggings and my big Magcon sweatshirt. Shawn also changes into sweatpants and a white t-shirt. We walk over to Cam, Matt and Hayes room to start filming. We all squeeze in on the medium sized sofa. The order goes: Aaron, Jack J, Jack G, Carter, Hayes, Cameron, Shawn, me, Taylor and Matt.

"Hello beautiful people." Cameron says to the camera. "Today I have 9 people here, or as you may notice these weirdo freaks from my last Ask Magcon and Jenna."

"But unfortunately, Nash isn't here today." I say. "The other day we found out my cousin was his girlfriend, so they are together today!" I winked at the camera. "If you know what I mean."

We answer many questions and when we're done it's 2:30. Shawn and I decide to do the 'Girlfriend Does My Makeup' challenge. We stay in the same room. I go to our room to grab my makeup and camera. I run back and Cameron takes his camera off so I can put mine on his tripod.

We do this challenge on Shawn's channel.

"Hey guys. Shawn here." Shawn says to my camera. "And today I'm joined by a special guest today. My girlfriend, Jenna."

"Hello." I say. "Also the other boys are here to watch." I whisper. "Say hi boys."

"Hey!" They shout and go back quiet.

"Today Jenna will be doing my makeup." Shawn says. "Yay."

"Make him look like a slut." Taylor whispers and we all laugh. We'll have to edit that out.

"So first I am starting out with foundation." I put some of the liquid on the back of my hand and dip my brush in it. I forgot that I'm much paler than Shawn. "Oops." I giggle and continue to spread the foundation on his face.

"What's did you do?" Shawn ask me as the boys snicker.

"Can't see until I'm finished." I say. "Next is concealer." Once again it is much paler than his skin. I laugh again. "Now bronzer, do this." I do a fish face thing.

"Wait show the camera." Shawn says.

"No just do the face." I tell him and he does. I put the powder on and pick up my liquid liner. "Close your eyes." I say and he does I put the eyeliner on him messily because he kept on moving. "Now look up." He looks up and I put it on his lower eyelid too.

"This feels so weird." Shawn complains.

"Well this is what it feels like girl." I tell him. "Continue looking up." I put the mascara on his lower lashes. "Now blink when I tell you too." I get the mascara on him and do his lips. I pick out a neon pink. I put the lip stick on and we all laugh. "And there you go." I hand Shawn a mirror and he screams.

"I look like a girl!" He shouts.

"Jen he doesn't look like a slut." Taylor pouts and we all laugh. We will have to edit that out too.

"Well that's all we have for today." Shawn says.

"Like if you want Shawn to do his makeup like this more!" Matt shouts and we all laugh.

"Bye!" We all says and Aaron stops the camera.

Well that was... Interesting.


Hey there!!!!!!! I went back and fixed some mistakes that my friend pointed out but I'm still working on fixing them.


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