America decided not to question what Germany just said but he made a note to ask later.

"Germany, this really isn't your fault. None of this is. You shouldn't blame yourself-"

"You don't understand," Germany simply said, "Nobody does," He closed his eyes and leaned against the railing."

"Than make me understand."

Germany sighed and looked at his wrist. He pulled back his shirt just enough for America to see something like a tattoo. But as he looked closer, it looked more like something branded in. His eyes widened.

It was the Nazi symbol.

He was at loss for words.

"Did they... did they do this to you?" He asked horrified.

Germany didn't say anything, he just nodded. "I was forced into joining them and their horrid ways. I didn't have a choice. When I didn't agree to join at first, I was thrown into a cell, beaten, and starved. After two weeks imprisoned, they did this to me. Not caring what I thought, things had to go their way.....I..." He closed his eyes, "I'm a nation. I shouldn't have given in, I could have taken it....." He cleared his throat, "I eventually did break and....."

America nodded, nothing more had to be said. He knew. 

He understood.

And he was right, Germany wasn't a monster.

He had been beaten by some before becoming brainwash and forced to work under one.

"I'm so sorry Germany," He said, "I'm-"

"Don't be, I... I could have stopped this, I could have-"

"Stopped a bloody war from happening!?!" His English was showing now, "I bet even before you agreed, the war was still happening or it would have still started up."

Germany looked down and sighed, "And my brother is paying the price for it..... Why didn't he just agree to me being dissolved, why didn't he let me take it? When I asked, he never answered."

Alfred gave a sad smile, "Because it's our job as big brothers to protect you guys. The younger ones. Whether you know it or not. We watch out for you guys and will die for you if needed too," He thought of the Mexicos and than North America's other younger siblings, "He wanted to protect you."

Germany slightly smiled and looked up, "That does sound like him," He than frowned, "But I didn't even get to spend much time with him in the end....."

America nodded, "I know, 20 hours isn't really that long when you think about it-"

"We didn't get 20 hours," Germany mumbled, looking back down. He felt tears come up but held them back, "Russia came early..... He took Bruder at like 8am.... We didn't have much time... We begged and cried but... He was still taken and before we knew it, he was gone."

"What!?!" Alfred yelled, "It was supposed to be 5pm. Damn Commie... I'm so sorry Germany. I'll.... I'll talk to the bitch," He said pissed.

Luckily, there would be a meeting very soon. So he would have the time to do that.

There was some tension growing between America and the Soviet Union for awhile. And Alfred really had kept that at bay.... But for fuck's sake, was he serious?

Germany shook his head, "No, I probably deserved that too."

"No!!" Alfred took many things seriously. 

Including family.

And he wasn't gonna stand for this.

"How would he feel if the table were turned on him and his sisters," He growled before turning back to Germany, "Germany, listen.  You don't deserve this. This isn't your fault at all. Trust me, I got your back. Now excuse me, I have to plan what I'm gonna say to a bastard at the meeting in two weeks. You have a goodnight," A very angry America headed inside.

Germany just stood there shocked at the whole conversation he and America just had.

Someone did care. That was nice to know.... He actually smiled and turned to head inside the house.

You know, it was nice to have someone to talk too. Maybe he should do that more often.


Hungary opened the door and closed it once she saw who was on the other side, "What do you want!?!"

Russia only smiled, "Now Hungary, is that really something you should say to me? Your new boss?"


He banged on the door and easily broke it down.

"Stay away from me!!" She swung around her frying pan.

"I told you, you would be joining the Soviet Family soon," He said as he knocked the frying pan out of her hand and grabbed her.

"Get off of me!!We don't want to join." She kicked and screamed but he was so much taller than her. She than elbowed him causing him to let go.

She fell and grabbed the pan again. Swinging and hitting him.

But Russia took out his pipe and the two fought with their weapons. But Russia, being taller, still had the advantage. With enough force, he hit the pan out of her hand again and grabbed her.

In the next five minutes, the personification of Hungary was dragged out of her house.   


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