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The sun beam hit directly on my face as the curtain  opened .
My sleep . My poor sleep .

" Yah, lazy ass get up . " Said hwayoung , my room partner and forever friends from highschool .

" I was just going to wake up ... what happened? . " I groaned .

" Today is the day when Namjoon will be the next CEO of the company.  We will get late . " She said pulling the blanket from me .

I groaned and sat on the bed looked at the clock and it was only 7 am .

" Why waking up so early ... We have 2 hours more " I said .

" You know with him who will come . The legend Kim Taehyung. He is so handsome , tall , his hairs are so silky and his voi- " I cut her of . .

" And his voice deep as hell , I am listening this for the past two weeks hwayoung " . I said . She starts talking about taehyung but never know how to stop. 

I got up and went to brush my teeth did my business and went to kitchen .

" What is it ?" Said hwayoung . Seeing what I was eating.

" What? It's the leftover pizza I saved for me , you make something else to eat " . How dare she eye my pizza . I saved it last night. 

" Pleuwseeeeee let me have one bite " she said and I ignored . Oh this girl ...

I ate my pizza and she made toast .

" Okayyyyyy, let's do our chant " she said .

" We are the best in universe " . we both said . This is our chant everyday .
This gives us energy .

We headed to our office . Yes we went to office early because of hwayoung.

Hwayoung works for the business affairs and I work in translation section .

We both arrived waved good bye and went our own ways .

" Hey jisoo , good morning you coming this early ?" Said sungwoo , my colleague .

" Yeah , hwayoung woke me up early " I said .

We both headed to the cafeteria took coffee and went to work .

Suddenly there was announcement . It must be of the new CEO . I have seen him couples of time coming to office. 

We all went to the hall . There he arrived in grey suit , looking hot .

" Good morning , I am Kim Namjoon the next CEO I mean the CEO of this company " he said . That smile killed me guys and those dimples ...

All greeted him .

" So as you know that I am the new CEO ,all must follow my orders and plus my father has been very easy on you  So, don't expect me to be easy too . " He said . He looked cold now.. where is his smile ? Ohh so it was for show .

He talked about many things which I didn't payed attention . Why? Cause I was admiring the view near me , mr. Kim Namjoon.

" Hey.. hey .. hello " someone told . I snapped out .

" Yeah " . I said looking who called me . It was sungwoo .

" The speech is over you going to work or not " . He said .

" Yeah I am going " oh god gather yourself jisoo .

After that I went to work . God so many papers to translate.

I set my computer and started translating the papers . I translated papers in Korean , English and Japanese. I am learning Chinese too.

I finished my work at noon and our lunch break started .
I went to washroom then to my desk and took out my lunch box . Yeah I don't eat in cafeteria cause my mom thinks they are unhealthy so she makes me lunch .

" Hey .. give me your lunch I love your mom's food " said a voice and I knew she must be hwayoung , that foody .

" What is it ? Why will I give you my food ?" I asked .

" Cause of this " she showed me a box full of ttoekboekki .

I can give her my lunch quickly.

" You should have told me before , take my lunch " I said .

We both ate and shared many jokes and about her crush taehyung .

" You know I was going to the washroom where I saw taehyung crossing and we both said hi to eachother hehehehehe" hwayoung said , a typical girl . Squealing with happiness .

Soon we said bye to eachother .

I started my work again .

" Hey are you park Jisoo . Our CEO wants to meet you . " . What ?? He wants to meet me .

I kept my work aside and went there .
His office was very good though ....
I greeted him ,

" G-good afternoon sir " I said .

" Good afternoon ms. Park Jisoo . " He said looking at me . Directly . In. My. Eyes. 

Oh god.

" You wanted something sir ?"

" Yeah I want you to attend party with me , be my date , not a request but an order . " He said . With cold eyes .

" What? I mean you have secretary with you why me ?" I said .

" Cause you know many language that will be helpful for me to attract business people " said namjoon

" Yeah sir but-"
" No buts party is tonight be ready , the dress will be delivered to you " he said and dismissed me .

I went out  with my head down .

Where am I caught ...

I hope you like my book 

this is my second book . my first book is FATED TO  MEET YOU. 

Thank you .

ONE NIGHT STAND [ Kim Namjoon ] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now