Thirty Six- Magic And Mayhem

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"How did you know I was here?" He asked as be craned his neck round to look me in the eyes.

"I saw there was a meteor shower tonight on the news. Put two and two together and, well here I am."

We sat in silence as the rest of the sun got swallowed by the sparkly black cloak embroider by tiny sparkling diamonds.

I could tell Logan was nervous. He was fidgeting uncomfortably like a child at the dentist. He twiddled his fingers and ran his hands through his hair. I turned to look at him properly.

He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept all week and his facial hair was starting to grow, causing a light shadow to cover his olive skin.

"You look like crap." I smiles has I ran my hand over the dark circles under his piercing grey eyes.

As my fingers left his skin, he sucked in a sharp breath and shut his eyes, almost as if the lost of contact hurt him. "I've missed you." He said quietly.

"And I you." I replied as I gazed at the night sky.

"I just, I freaked out. I'm so sorry. And I know that's no excuse, and I know that I'm a crappy person who doesn't deserve to have you in my life. But, I'm selfish, I want you in my life."

"If you want me in your life, then you can't act like that. I'm gonna need to Logan, I'm going to need you to be there and not run."

"I know. It's just, there's something you have to know. Not that it's excuse, but it's part of the reason."

"Your mums sick." I whispered as I slid my hand into his and gave it a squeeze.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Your mum came to see me. She told me she was ill. Well, and I should of broke more bones than just your nose but I didn't think now was an appropriate time to bring that up." I smiled.

He let out a throaty chuckle, which I realised as he laughed that I missed so much. "Yeah about the broken nose, was you raised by boxers? You have a mean right hook on you." He said as he prodded his nose.

"Nope, I just thought it would be handy to know how to deal with douchebags. And would you look at that!" I joked as I admired the fading bruise on his nose.

"Why did you punch me. Was it because of what I said, or because I kissed holly?" He asked in a more serious tone.

I pulled my eyebrows together as I sunk in to thoughts. That was a good question. I replayed that night back in my head a thousand times, but I still didn't know the exact reason why I hit him. I remember how hurt I was at the venom in his voice and the malice glint in his eyes, how spiteful his alcohol riddled body language was, but I don't think nothing compared to how much it hurt to see him kiss another girl.

And that confused me. I wasn't the lovely dovey type. I didn't do relationships and I certainly didn't fall for guys I'd known for less than two months. I said to myself the day I stepped foot off the plane onto American soil that this was my chance. This was my ticket to the career that I'd dreamt about, that is worked so hard for. And nobody was going to come in my life and distract me. I was going to push guys aside and work on me.

But then Logan happens, and I found myself looking forward to seeing him smile, and treasuring the days when we just did nothing. And everything that once mean nothing started to mean quite a bit. I could start to watch romantic films without wanting to gag and smiling at couples who held hands as they took a stroll round Central Park instead of rolling my eyes. Logan happened.

"Well, I guess it was a bit of both. All of it hurt." I said quietly.

"It hurt to watch me kiss holly?" He asked with a confused expression plastered on his face.

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