Nineteen- Getting To Know You.

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"Bye girls, see you tonight!" I yelled as I shut the apartment door.

I slipped into the elevator when it arrived and hit the lobby button. Today was the day Logan had asked to take me out. Actually, scrap that, he didn't ask me which I wasn't thrilled about, he told me then drove off without giving me a chance to protest, the idiot.

I waved at the receptionist Sarah on my way out, wishing her a good day then pushed through the rotating doors and stood outside, pulling my sunglasses down and scanning the pavement for Logan and his annoyingly beautiful car.

Just as I was about to turn on my feet and push back through the doors, Logan smoothly pulled into the front parking space that sat next to the out-rolled red carpet and pushed on his horn.

"Hurry up London, some of us have places to be." He smiled sarcastically.

"I don't like being made to wait." I frowned playfully.

The thing what annoyed me with him was that he could dress so simply but still look a million dollars.

A plain back tee, skinny jeans tucked into a pair of high top black converse with white stitching. And of course, his tattoo peaked out from underneath his tee, making him look older. His hair was pushed messily off his face, but still looked stylish. F you Logan and your blessed genetics.

"London, get in the car, we have a date to attend to." He smirked as he revved the engine with impatience.

"Uh uh, this is not a date." I replied, digging my heals into the ground.

I wasn't going anywhere with him until he knew this was not a date, but in fact sort of friends spending the day together. No feelings, no touchy feely lovey dovey soppy stuff.

"London, I know you want to be a date, I mean look at me.. You whiny brat. Just get into the car before I drag you inside." He yelled, but he still wore that playful expression that made my heart melt.

"Sorry to bruise your ego, but douchebag is not my type. Say out loud that this is not a date, with no take backs and I will then get in the car." I smiled back at him innocently.

"No." He challenged.

"Yes." I gave back.

"London, just get in the stupid car. You're immaturity is wearing away at my patience." he joked.

"Say it." I spat back, ignoring his comment completely. Soon enough I'm going back up to my room and diving back into my huge, warm California king bed and not moving for anyone.

The stupid arse, getting me up and ready at ridiculous o'clock to stand and argue for ten minutes on the pavement.

"Rhiannon, get in the flipping car or so help me.." He trailed off, gripping the cars steering wheel as if it was my neck.

"All you have to do is say it. Otherwise I'm going back to my room. You have 10 seconds." I smirked.

"No." He said back, returning my smirk.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and a half.. Bye Logan. Have a wonderful day." I said sarcastically as I span on my heel and headed for the hotel doors.

"Wait! Ok.. it's not a date, no take backs." He shouted, halting me in my tracks.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it!" I grinned as I jumped into his truck.

"You're such a brat. And by the way.. This is so a date!" He laughed as he flicked the locks and sped away from the hotel at a ridiculous speed.

"Uh hu, you said no take backs! Meaning, well, YOU CAN'T TAKE IT BACK!" I yelled.

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