Fifteen- Im So Done.

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Jordan had in fact got the audition and was booked for the whole week, meaning she wasn't back at all. And that also meant that I was stuck with the rude guy.


It was now Thursday afternoon, and after three days here, I'd love to say I'd had at least a conversation with someone, anyone in my class, but apart from teachers, no one had said a word.

The girls were sat huddled in a group, snickering and looking over in my direction like they had done all week when the familiar chime ended our lesson. My class packed their thing away in their bags and left, quick as a shot, laughing and joking on there way out, leaving me and Brandy in the theatre on our own.

"How are you finding it here so far?" Asked brandy, causing me to jump.

"Erm, well to be honest not good at all. Everyone either hates me, or completely ignores me. I just don't no what to do to change the way they think about me, I don't even no if I can." I said honestly. I'd come to wits end with my class and I don't no how much more I could take.

I've been literally counting down the hours until I could say goodbye to this college forever and never look back. I think maybe New York was a bad idea and that maybe my dad had been right.

"We'll, you just gotta prove them wrong, show them what you got, show them that you want this." Brandy said as picked up her bag and gave my shoulder a squeeze.

Then she left the theatre taking the jingle of her bells with her, leaving her words lingering in the air although they didn't make me feel the slightest bit better.

And once again I was on my own. I don't think I've ever in my whole life felt this lost. I had no one here, literally no one.

I walked over to speakers as I clicked shuffle on my musical playlist and plugged my phone in. The beginning to 'On My Own' from Les Miserables started to play. Ironic.

I dragged a chair over to centre stage and say underneath the blazing spotlight.

I took a deep breath and started the song..

'Sometimes I walk alone at night

When everybody else is sleeping

I think of him and then I'm happy

With the company I'm keeping

The city goes to bed

And I can live inside my head'

Pushing the chair away and standing up, I broke into the chorus, feeling every word seep into the core of my body.

'On my own

Pretending he's beside me

All alone

I walk with him till morning

Without him

I feel his arms around me

And when I lose my way I close my eyes

And he has found me'

The door of the theatre swung open, but I ignored it. I didn't care who was listening, I was so involved in the song that the feeling of nerves and shyness didn't appear like they normally did, which was odd.

I finished the song and the music simmered out. I took a step back away from the spotlight and shielded my eyes, squinting to see who had joined me in the middle of my song.

Walking forward as he clapped, was the guy from the hall. The guy that was suppose to be helping me around and making sure I was ok. Great job he'd done.

3,471 Miles [Undergoing Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz