Four- I'm Drunk I Must Be.

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The first thing I noticed as I regained consciousness was the pounding in my head. What happened yesterday? It felt like someone was letting off firecrackers inside my brain.

I could just about open my eyes as I crawled downstairs to the kitchen where my dad was tapping away on his laptop.

My stomach felt like I swallowed bleach, so I pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and guzzled it down. I felt more fragile than a match stick house in a hurricane.

"God, what happened to you?" He chuckled.

I gave him the best death stare I could manage as I slumped down at the opposite side of the table to my dad.

I rested my chin on my hands feeling sorry for myself. At that moment, my phone went off, sounding louder than anything I've ever heard maybe, intensifying my headache and causing me to groan.

It was a text from Renee.

'I'm dying. Who's idea was it to drink? Because they are no longer my friend. Oh and well done for last night. A guy called me asking for you. Something about an academy or something? Anyway I gave him your address. Speak to you when I'm no longer dying.'

Academy? What guy? I haven't spoke to any guy about any academy? I'd only looked at one university and that was yesterday, plus I hadn't left any details or anything. She must still be drunk.

I ignored the text and threw myself on the sofa, planning to spend the majority of the day on here whilst my dad left for the office. At three in the afternoon I got a knock at the door that pulled me awake.

Groaning and secretly wishing the person at the door would get abducted by aliens for a few hours until my head felt more like I had a brain inside of it instead of a train station.

Swinging the door open in a gruff, I came face to face with a guy I had never seen before. An expression of shock crossed his face, probably because I looked like I'd been chewed up and spat out.

The guy looked kind of nervous, professional, but nervous. He was dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. You could tell he had money and a lot of it just by the watch on his wrist that looked like it cost more than my entire house.

He had chocolate coloured eyes, pearly white teeth that didn't get that white by just 'brushing and flossing' and curly brown hair was styled attractively. He was movie star beautiful and hollywood ready.

"Can I help you?" I asked quite rudely, annoyed that the guy had interrupted me when I felt like this, and slightly embarrassed at how hot he was and well, how hot I wasn't at this specific moment in time.

'Hey, you must be Rhiannon? I'm Phil from New Yorks MT and PA Academy. I'm here to talk to you about a few things. May I come in?" He asked in a strong American accent.

Shrugging I swung the door open and gestured for him to come in. I then pulled a chair out and signalled for him to sit, then slumped down at the other end of the table. There was an awkward silence in the air as I tapped my fingers on my table.

Incase you hadn't guessed already, I wasn't much of a talker when I was in this kind of state.

After a long, awkward silence, Phil found his tongue that the cat obviously stole and made a start.

"Your probably wondering who I am and what I'm doing in your kitchen at three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon.." he chuckled, then continued when he saw I wasn't laughing.

"As I said before. I'm Phil. I'm in London on business for the academy.. I happened to be in the bar which you performed in last night. And I must say, out of the thousands of students I've seen audition over the last week, no one has made an impact like you. I know you've had previous musical theatre training by the way you breath when you sing and your general body language, and I just have to say, you are really talented. The academy wants you. I hope you don't mind but I filmed you singing last night and send it over to the principle in New York. She loved you and want's you to join us that much that they've offered to fly you out to New York to meet with them personally and also see the academy for yourself." He said.

I looked at him, confused. I hadn't really been taking in what he'd said, the pounding of my headache drowning out his voice. He was most defiantly on drugs.

He continued "I know this is probably a bit overwhelming but the academy only wants the best of the best, and that's you. I don't need your answer straight away, but the decision needs to be made within the next few days. Do some research on the academy, look at what we are about and what we stand for then consider the offer if you may?" He smiled slightly.

"Oh, erm.. Wow." I mumbled, frowning at my unsuccessful attempt to string a sentence together.

My pounding brain had turned my thoughts into mush, throwing them in the air and letting them scatter around me in a mess.

Pull yourself together Rhi.

Letting out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and giving my head a little shake to clear my thoughts, I continued,"Thanks for the offer Phil, it really does sound amazing. But I'm going to have to decline. I'm sorry to waste your time. Last night I was tricked into singing by my idiotic best friend, I gave up theatre years ago and I planned to never do it again. Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I wouldn't have the funds anyway.'

"That's not what it looked like to me. I saw the fire in your eyes when you sang last night, passion was radiating off your body, anybody could seen that. Plus the academy would be willing to offer you a scholarship if they like what they see in your audition. All I'm asking is for you to fly over with me in three days. You can spend some time in New York, attend a few classes and see how you go. If you like it, then you can audition properly. If they like you, then the scholarship is yours, meaning accommodation, flights to and from New York and you'll get paid monthly. Trust me, that fire in your stomach isn't going to go away. Don't be that girl that turns down New York." He replied.

"And how do I know your legit?" I questioned, business mode now in full force.

"Check out our website." He said, handing me his card, "Were one of the worlds most famous musical theatre and performing arts academys in the world. Now, in three days I'm getting on a plane back to New York and I really hope you'll be seated next to me. But the decision is down to you." He said standing up.

"It was nice to meet you Phil." I said as I walked him to the door.

"You too Rhi, I hope to be hearing from you soon." He smiled and then left, leaving me standing at the door to pick up my jaw.

I shook away the disbelief and walked back to the kitchen, tossing the card he had given me on the table.

What the hell just happened? I must still be drunk..

For one, big opportunity's like that didn't happen to small town girls like me. And for two, my dad had planned my future. It was all mapped out for me, a boringly steady life in the safe London stock exchange. I mean, who would want for more?

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