Thirty Five- Cruel World

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First day back at the academy. The day I'd been anxiously waiting for. I was excited to finally start my career again, to get back on stage and make full use of my lungs.

I was bouncing in my seat by the time Andy pulled up outside the academy, earning some eye rolls from Renee.

"I'll be back here by five. Have a good day girls." Andy grinned as he shut the passenger door behind us.

"You to Andy. See you then!" I yelled as I pushed through those big oak double doors I'd came to miss so much.

Renee and I skipped to the office to pick up our time tables. Well, Renee trailed behind as I skipped.

"What have you got first?" Renee asked as she scanned her time table with a frown.

"I have double singing in the theatre. You?" I asked, praying she had the same.

"I have ballet." She groaned. Since Renee was a contemporary and street dancer, ballet didn't appeal to her.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later then." We hugged goodbye and I walked to my class, eyes still on my time table. I rounded the corner and collided with someone.

"Ouch." I yelled, rubbing my forehead. I looked up and had to suppress a groan.

There, standing in front of me with two black eyes caused by a crooked nose, was Logan.

"Sorry," he muttered, "Didn't see you there."

"It's fine." I pulled my backpack strap back on my shoulder and attempted to round him.

"Hey," He grabbed my wrist gently, "Can we talk."

I sighed, "I haven't got time for this, Logan. And frankly, I don't care about what you have to say."

"I've been trying to call you to apologise. For kissing Holly, and being rude to you the other night, and results day for freaking out on you."

"Wow, you sure do have a lot to apologise for." I fake laughed bitterly, "When I say I'm done with someone, it means I'm done with them, for good. Goodbye Logan."

"Just hear me out, London!" He yelled after me, but I had already taken off as dramatically as I could manage.

As I arrived at the theatre, I locked eyes with Jordan. Thank heavens she was in my class, because I really couldn't face Holly on my own.

"Rhi!" She yelled as she sprinted down the middle of the chairs and slammed into me, pulling me into a hug. "I've missed you so much! It's been forever."

"Jord," I laughed as I pried her from me, "It's only been a few weeks. But I'm so happy to see you." I grinned.

We walked over to our seats and immediately launched into the typical girl gossip, filling each other in on what we've both missed in each others life's over the past few weeks. As I was half way through explaining the Logan and Holly situation to Jordan, Miss Coco skipped through the middle of the theatre audience and took centre stage.

"Good morning my wonderful class of young budding actors and actresses. I hope you all had a magical summer and got rid of all your teenage like needs, because this is when the real hard work begins. You are going to be studying here for four years at the most, so please, give me your soul and make these years count. Now, this course is going to take everything from you, it's demanding, hard work and it will shed all of your time away from you. But what you receive at the end would make all them missed party's and late nights in this theatre worth it and more. Over these for years, I expect the weak to drop out, the ones who can't handle the pressure, the ones who can't commit one hundred and eleven percent, the ones who just aren't cut out for the life that this academy will give you. And what I will be left with will be my shining stars, if you want to be part of that then I expect blood, sweat, plenty of tears and so much more from you. Are you ready? ..Then let the hard work begin."

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