"I need you to find a way to make a distraction for us. Be careful." 

"Gotcha. What about you?" York says pulling out his shotgun. 

[There's someone we need to see." Zone tells him. 


"Intruder alert, intruder alert. Breach in Security. Level Zero." 

"It's the Resistance." Carolina exclaims. 

"No, it's Agent Texas. And her partner in crime." 

"We should get back to the lab. Director, we must follow protocol." Counselor Price begins to leave. The Director turns to Carolina. 

"Carolina, look at me. You know what needs to be done." 

"I do." She smirks. 

"Then do it." 


In another hallway, Zone and Tex are above a numerous amount of soldiers, who are all fully armed. Tex was armed with many spikes grenades as Zone pulled his sword from his back. The two jumped down mowed down the soldiers, throwing some at each other or blowing them up. After they were all dead, they hear a door open and look to see South with a missile launcher. 

"Think you're so tough, don't you Texas? Think you're so invincible Zone? Well, let me ask you something: who's the monster now?

"Aw, crap..." South fire her launcher as Zone and Tex dive out of the way. 


In the locker room, Wyoming is with two soldiers, one with an assault rifle and one with a battle rifle. 

"Dude, we get to fight with Wyoming! Awesome!" The battle rifle soldier says. 

"Just clear the room lads." Wyoming orders calmly. 

"All clear!" 

"All clear, sir!" 

"Dear god, it's like idiot in stereo." Wyoming complains. 

"Nice zinger, sir!" The assault rifle soldier compliments. 

"Look over there. Now where are you hiding? Knock, knock mate." 

"Wait, who's there?" The battle rifle soldier asks. York bursts out from the ceiling and kills the two soldiers. 

"Knock knock!" York tells Wyoming while him hitting in the face with one of the locker doors. 

"Ah yes, that's what I'm saying, who's there?" 

"It's York! Hello." 

"Who's there?" 

"I told you! It's York!" 

"It's York...who?" York then picks up a locker and throws it at Wyoming, defeating him.

"It's "York" catch, pal! Talk about knock knocks." York then sees a photo of a woman floating in the air, grabs it, and then pockets it. 


Back with Tex and Zone, they continue to dodge South's missiles. They land next to each other and South fires a great number of missiles. Zone and Tex brace themselves until sniper fire is heard and the missiles all blow up in midair. The three look to see North walking towards them with two sniper rifles slung over his shoulders. 

"Well, hello, ladies and my good man. What seems to be the problem?" 

"North, you know what the problem is. These two stabbed us in the back, and now it's time to return the favor. Whose side are you on, brother?" South asks aiming her missile launcher. North reciprocates by aiming his rifles. 

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